Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Karin Evans

Date submitted
18 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my objection to the planning of the expansion of Gatwick Airport. As a local resident, my family and I are already negatively impacted by the airport with regards to noise and pollution. Recently, Runway 4 was an issue and the noise is deafening when planes took off there. Increasing the volume of planes taking off will inevitably lead to more noise, which is unacceptable. Further to negative impact of the additional daytime noise, is the night flights. There should be no permission given for night time flights should an expansion be granted, as this would severely impact noise levels, and having no respite from noise day or night would have an impact on mental health of local residents. In addition to this, the pollution levels from the additional air traffic would rise to dangerous levels, as well as the pollution from the additional transportation that would be required to bring all the additional staff in for work. We have been informed that there are no plans to increase the number of trains running, so in addition to the pollution aspect, which would contribute further to an already adverse environmental impact, this would mean a huge increase to the traffic in our area, which our rural roads are not equipped to cope with. In the last few years, there has also been serious flooding in the rivers and tributaries of Mole Valley - especially when the airport and sewage treatment plants have discharged water in extreme conditions, which due to climate change is happening more and more frequently, this would need to be seriously considered in the event that the expansion request is granted. Gatwick has been plagued with workers strikes, and airline strikes, planes grounded and cancelled due to various issues - it does not instill confidence when it is struggling to run efficiently at it's current size. We have also been informed that additional economic benefits from further expanding air transport are largely dependent on net inbound tourism and business travel growth. Both of these are absent in the UK today (more people fly on holidays overseas and business travel has flat-lined in the UK since 2006, which again does not justify the plans for such large scale expansion. It is my understanding that any additional needs could be met by the Northwest runway at Heathrow. I have yet to see any positive impact, or a need for this expansion presented, in fact, the only people who are set to benefit from this expansion are the Shareholders of Gatwick. It will most certainly negatively impact the surrounding countryside and it's residents.