Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Rebecca Rollings

Date submitted
18 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to Gatwick’s application to operate a full time Northern runway. My house, (Redacted) is situated directly beneath the current flight path and thus I am one of those who will be hugely adversely affected by any increases made to the number of flights operating in and out of the airport. My main concerns are: Global warming and the climate emergency. The noise of the aircraft. Any subsequent health risks which the aircraft cause to those living beneath the flight path. The increase in road users. The lack of amenities to accommodate migrant workers An inadequate transport system which cannot accommodate the number of current passengers, let alone any increase. Climate emergency: Globally we face a climate emergency and a new runway would add a significant amount of carbon and greenhouse gases – Evidence CCC (2020) The Sixth Carbon Budget – Methodology Report. Available at: Noise: The noise of the planes can be heard from every room within my house. Gatwick have done nothing to help me alleviate this noise by upgrading my windows. Gatwick offer a derisory allowance to purchase windows from Anglian Windows. I have explored this with Anglian. The allowance would purchase me a maximum of two windows, I have over 50 panes to replace. Furthermore my house is of historical significance and Anglian do not offer the products which I require to maintain the historical integrity of my property. The noise is obviously worse when outside. When in my garden the noise of the aircraft is so impactive that conversation has to stop to allow the plane to go over. It is worse when planes are taking off over my house. In the early hours of the morning the noise of the planes is loud enough that it wakes me up. The constant noise of the planes is causing me stress and anxiety and negatively impacting my quality of life and my ability to enjoy my property. I have major concerns that with the significant increase in the number of planes which Gatwick is proposing, living in my house will become unbearable. I will then be unable to sell my house and will be stuck here, unable to move and unable to enjoy life due to the aircraft and the problems which they cause. Health risks: I am also concerned about the health risks of planes flying overhead constantly and the obvious subsequent decline in air quality as Gatwick further ignores the far-reaching impact of road and air emissions created by its operations. I am aware that Gatwick bought my house from the previous occupants, one of whom had serious health issues, which he associated with the proximity to living under the flight path. This male has recently passed away. This leads one to the obvious conclusion that the aircraft do have an adverse affect on the health of those who live directly beneath them. Increase in road users: Gatwick sits on a single main road, the M23 which is deemed an unsafe smart road. To add to the huge increase in freight, passengers and workers will cause a significant increase in congestion on residential roads and an inevitable further decline in air quality. Lack of amenities: The area surrounding my property has already seen significant residential development- to the detriment of the environment and causing an increase in local flooding. There are not enough amenities at this time so for Gatwick to seek to further increase the number of workers who will be resident within the area will also cause untenable strain on overloaded services. Inadequate transport system: Gatwick sits on the Brighton Main Line, which cannot be expanded. Gatwick seeks to add an unacceptable burden to the line with over 32m extra passengers and luggage. I use this line to travel to work in London. It is already unable to cope with the number of passengers using it. This second runway would only increase these problems. Summarily it is apparent that Gatwick are not acting with integrity and have no interest in either local residents or the environment. The company is owned by foreign shareholders who simply seek to increase profit whatever the cost to residents and the environment. Gatwick are also being disingenuous . They have already been denied a second runway and do not currently have a ‘Northern’ runway. The language used in their literature to suggest otherwise is misleading. Mrs Rebecca Rollings