Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Mark Duguid

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The lack of airport capacity in the South East heavily impacts my working and personal life. Living in Brighton, frequent trips must be made to Heathrow to catch flights (as Gatwick cannot compete to offer those routes), involving the perennial M25 gamble or appalling rail connections via central London. When I do fly from Gatwick, you are regularly queuing excessively on the tarmac as the runway struggles to cope. The carbon emissions alone from the inefficiency must be huge. If Gatwick doesn’t get its second runway, what is the alternative? Simply strangle supply and turn our air transport into an ever diminishing sub-par offering? Gatwick is a dream airport to use - the consistent efficiency of its security is something to behold - they deserve to grow.