Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Dan Wadey

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In using the reserve runway surely there will be increased traffic throughout the day. This will mean extra stress on both runways and the need for the creation of a 'new' emergency runway to side with protocols. This will take up more land and see increased carbon footprint not to mention the impact on the local river Mole system and the flood plains surrounding the airport. The river system is already creaking under the weight of population expansion as the water companies destroy it inundating our river ways with effluent that cannot currently be dealt with at the treatment plants. Given the treatment plants proximity to the airport and its inevitable expansion should this proposal take place it would create further environmental impact. Furthermore the steadily increasing traffic will impact with noise on so much of the surrounding greenelt and its unique wildlife. We saw the difference covid made to the wildlife in the surrounding areas of Gatwick when the planes were grounded. Whilst not advocating that I would urge that the emergency runway is kept as precisely that and not extended purely to please shareholders and profiteering fat cats.