Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Martin Abbott

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose this Gatwick Airport appication for a northern runway because it is a new runway - As the runway to be updated is currently only used in an emergency situation, how can it be deemed an existing runway. The application is for a 'new' runway and as such does not comply with policy, or the Government's Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not currently have two functional runways that can operate concurrently, and as such it is a 'new' runway that is being constructed. I have read that for safety reasons the 'new' runway will be used for departing planes only, due to its position. How can this operate safely and how long will it be before Gatwick try to upgrade the runway to a fully running runway. I have lived in Horsham for over thirty years and have watched and heard the airport expand. Noticable downsides, the number of planes flying over existing residential areas, along with the noise and the pollution they bring with them. An additional 100,000 flights a year would be totally unacceptable and unbearable. The skies above the whole of the south east of England, in particular West Sussex would be constantly bombarded with planes taking off and landing. In addition no doubt would be an increase in night flights to contend with. Lack of affordable housing close to Gatwick would increase the number of workers having to use the roads, as there is very little infrastructure for public transport to run twenty four hours a day. The number of jobs that will be available will be mostly low-skilled and offer very little job security due to the volatility of the leisure industry as demonstrated during Covid. The M23 is the only main road to Gatwick, as a local you hear very frequently of accidents on the M23, which in turn leads to major holdups on the motorway day and night. One assumes that the amount of airlines using Gatwick for freight will increase, causing considerably more lorries to use the M23. Already accidents cause major congestion which then causes the traffic to fan out over local roads, thereby causing holdups on local routes around the airport. Although Gatwick Railway Station has been given a makeover, this does not affect the number of tracks that are available for trains on the line which serves the London to Brighton line, thus affecting existing commuters. We know we have a climate emergency and a new runway would add a significant amount of carbon and greenhouse gases - Evidence CCC (2020) The Sixth Carbon Budget - Methodology Report. The aviation industry is always telling us that planes are getting quieter, I hear little evidence of this when they fly over our home. The noise from another 100,000 is unimaginable and totally unacceptable.