Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Michael Munson

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Gatwick airport growth flies in the face of all national and international economic and humanitarian sense. Locally and nationally, it would have a very significant detrimental impact on carbon emissions, transport congestion, pollution (including air pollution,) and it will add further pressure on the environment, affordable housing, local road congestion and parking, water use, and flood risk. To expand on these issues... Noise Increased noise for those living near the airport and under flight paths will be sigificantly increased and Gatwick's noise proposals are economical with the truth, and inconsistent with government policy and CAA guidance. They should be substantially revised. Restrictions on night flights and types of aircraft allowed to use the airport would not be permanent enough to safeguard the local amenity Climate change and air pollution. Gatwick cannot guarantee to be carbon neutral at the scope 3 level and expansion will negatively impact on CO² emissions and the UK's climate commitments. Carbon and particulate emissions will also result from construction works and increased road traffic to the airport will make air pollution worse. Transport impacts. Gatwick’s spirations to increase a modal ship towards bus, train, walking and cycling are insufficient to prevent a massive increase in airport road traffic and would increase congestion on local roads and increase off-airport parking. Gatwick is not providing any extra rail services putting pressure on future train services, with a resulting negative effect on the economy South East of Gatwick. Flood Risk and nutrient discharge The health of the River Mole has not been adequately safeguarded by the proposals. Its tributaries have flooded, especially when the Airport and sewage treatment plants discharge water in extreme events. Climate change is making these extreme events more frequent and severe. Need Gatwick’s overall case for expansion does not comply with the Airports National Policy Statement which requires airports (other than Heathrow) to demonstrate sufficient need to justify their expansion proposals, additional to (or different from) the need which would be met by the provision of a Northwest Runway at Heathrow. This growth at Gatwick will have a huge adverse environmental effect on our communities and countryside. The only people to benefit will be Gatwick's shareholders. Economic case The economic benefits of expanding Gatwick are unproven magical thinking, and have been overstated by the Gatwick Airport Ltd. Significant economic, social and environmental costs have been ignored and/or understated. The benefits of alternative travel have not been adequately quantified. The economic benefits fail to take into account behavioural change in the enevitably climate changed future. When Gatwick's expansion's costs, benefits, and the long-term societal risks are taken into account, the scheme’s economic case is not viable and entails unreasonable levels of risk to local, national and international wellbeing. In addition, the proposed scheme incentivises UK residents to travel and spend more abroad. In short, investment in Gatwick expansion will only benefit the investors.