Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Sean Christopher Logan

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We live around 25 miles from Gatwick. Aircraft taking off from Gatwick and landing at Gatwick fly over our home and this area at around 5,000-6,000 feet, sometimes below this. I often observe aircraft crossing paths above us with what would appear to be the minimum clearance gap. As both taking off and landing aircraft criss-cross the sky we are often subjected to relentless noise from early morning (6am) to late at night (beyond 11pm), especially in the spring, summer and autumn months. There are periods, sometimes a few days, when the wind direction means we have some relief from this noise, but it always returns. I grew up close to Gatwick, we use the airport to travel and I recognise the contribution it has made to the economic growth of the surrounding area. But people in this part of the world also expect to enjoy the outstanding natural environment we have and whatever peace we can currently enjoy. The unrestrained growth of Gatwick, which the use of the emergency runway as a full-time runway represents, would be extremely harmful and deeply unwelcome. Enough is enough. I strongly object to this plan and would urge the government and the planning authorities to reject it.