Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Peter Mitchell

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose this application. Gatwick Airport is not a good neighbour. Flights on Route 4. Aircraft frequently turn too sharply and overfly my home in Newdigate. Surprisingly, it is the large A380 which is the main culpri9t. Notwithstanding its size it is able to turn very sharply. It is heavy, flying low and with 4 engines is very noisy. Traffic through Newdigate, a rural community, continues to increase and much of this is due to airport employees and passengers travelling East West to from the airport. The idea that these people will switch to Public Transport is ludicrous and anyway Public Transport, in particular the rail capacity and M23 capacity is already overstretched The airlines are a huge contributor to Carbon emissions which are a major cause of climate change. It is pie in the sky, so to speak, to believe that there will be any technology breakthrough that will reduce this. There is already a lack of people to fill available jobs in the Gatwick area. Piling in more jobs will exacerbate the problem to the detriment of local businesses. A second runway will encourage passengers to travel to Gatwick from the North putting even more pressure on the M25. A sensible UK airport strategy would seek to expand air passenger capacity in Northern airports thereby reducing passenger travel as well as encouraging development of industry and population movement to the north.