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Representation by Maximillian Jordan

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Demographics, the UK is at 1.5 replacement rate it's need to be 2. 1 according to the ONS and the government is anti immigration. So that means in the next 30-40 years the population will crash, national insurance won't be a thing as the government won't be able to pay for anything as there will be way to many old people and no young workers to pay for them. Why is this relvent to Gatwick, we like clean air right, thousands of peole are dying needlessly every year because of bad air,aeroplanes dont help, this whole idea of creating jobs at the costs of lives it's the dream of pyscopaths it's like the train problem but Gatwick just (redacted ) everyone. There has been a study recently that has linked fertiliser to lower sperm count again the environment, doing this will destroy, like (redacted) every part of this is stupid, close gatwick and save us all from de population, if there are no people there is no one to buy flights, think of the future not what's happening now.