Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Joanne Monk

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Gatwick Airport have perfectly demonstrated over the last year exactly why this expansion plan is totally unacceptable. The airport is unable to recruit sufficient staff to operate the runways that they currently have, hundreds of cancellations and thousands of hours of delays caused directly by mismanagement by Gatwick. It is obvious that any expansion will be doomed to failure when it is not possible to adequately provide the people required to run it! Gatwick does not have sufficient land to adequately absorb or park the massive increase in vehicle numbers this proposal will bring, the land surrounding the Airport is Predominantly green belt and should not be developed. The local area cannot absorb the massive increase in vehicles on the roads travelling to and from the Airport The transport infrastructure to London is not capable of absorbing the proposed increases What is the point in doubling the Airport capacity when Airlines are already deserting Gatwick, Virgin no longer fly from the airport and other airlines have scaled back their operations This proposal will have devastating effects on the local environment and community! in an age where we are trying to reduce pollution how can it be acceptable to be considering doubling the amount of carbon emissions dumped over the area from both Aircraft and road vehicles NOISE POLUTION! noise from low altitude aircraft using the airport is already unacceptable, use of the northern runway results in approaching aircraft flying directly over more built up areas causing an enormous increase in noise pollution, it is not possible to continue a conversation whilst in the garden when the planes go over using the existing northern runway, noise levels are already unacceptable! Properties below the proposed flight path are subject to green belt planning constraints, how can it be acceptable to blight the entire area with Aircraft roaring overhead every few minutes? I do not believe that this representation is anything more than a facade! Gatwick obviously believe that the Northern runway is a certainty. FOR MANY MONTHS, AT LEAST 5 DAYS A WEEK, GATWICK HAS BEEN USING THE EMERGENCY NORTHERN RUNWAY FOR NIGHTFLIGHTS. THIS PERFECTLY DEMONSTRATES THE COMPLACENCY WITH WHICH GATWICK OPERATE, IT HAS NO REASON TO BE DOING THIS, THERE IS NO INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSYEM OPERATIONAL ON THE NORTHERN RUNWAY, THIS PUTS BOTH PASSENGERS AND LOCAL RESIDENCE AT INCREASED DANGER OF A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. IT PERFECTLY DEMONSTRATES THE MASSIVE INCREASE IN AIRCRAFT NOISE, IT PERFECTLY DEMONSTRATES THE CONTEMPT GATWICK HAS FOR ITS PASSENGERS, STAFF AND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CAN THIS EXPANSION BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.