Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by James Holt

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Firstly, I have noticed a difference in car traffic volumes already since the expansion of North Terminal. This is not just the M23, but the A23 from Brighton, and our link from Eastbourne the A27. This is ecologically unsound as well as economically damaging. Slower travel on a main road often provokes MPs etc to clamour for wider roads, dual carriageways, increased expenditure plus - all causing more damage to the environment (noise, disruption to wildlife etc) and higher maintenance costs for our future generations. Secondly, the existing expansion of Gatwick has soiled the gentle atmosphere of our rural areas. Pollution is bad enough when physical. But the noise generated by new and increased flight paths destroys peace, restfulness, and inhibits proper communication. One example. I have been camping every year on a site near Hadlow Down. Flights overhead were unknown when I first went. Now they are noticeable every night. A second example. I went camping outside Ditchling 4 years ago. A wonderful spur of the moment choice of a farmer’s field with sight of the Jack n Jill windmills, local and national downland treasures. Ruined at night by repeated flights above. I have lived in Sussex over 30 years and the incessant demands of car and air travel have only served to diminish its attraction. (Of course this is an adverse economic consequence too, in view of our travel industry here, but no-one mentions that!) Increasing car and air traffic in pursuance of economic gain and sacrificing the environment which is our attracting treasure is - chasing the wind. Thirdly, allowing the new runway and the inevitable expansion of transport need without providing secured and paid for rail improvements (as provided in our European competitors’ economies!) and maybe better bus/coach provision is simply unacceptable! It will cost, but so will any roads in their construction & maintenance. Why not invest in paying train drivers more rather than driving customers away from the railways because of the strikes government has provoked? Better to invest in people than tarmac. These comments are just an introduction to my thinking about the new runway. I do hope someone reads them and they are helpful to the decision making process, but frankly I suspect that money and power will hold sway. I hope I can provide more thoughts after you register me.