Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Surrey Community Action (Surrey Community Action)

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Writing as Chair of a Surrey-wide organisation that supports many voluntary partners across the county, I know that a lot of those are working with people who are either employed directly by Gatwick Airport, the airlines located there or in the many local businesses servicing the Gatwick supply chain or reaping the economic benefits of its tourism gateway to the local hospitality sector and a wealth of popular visitor destinations. I am pleased to support the clear business consensus already being made to develop the existing northern runway as a logical and sustainable way of enabling Gatwick Airport to grow the local economy while protecting as far as possible the important Green Belt areas set in and around the Surrey Hills AONB. Surrey's proximity to London as well as Heathrow, Gatwick and Farnborough Airports means that our skies below 10,000 feet are full of inbound or outbound aircraft. Flightradar24 shows that Surrey is overflown by air traffic to or from Luton and Stansted Airports as well. These are often recognised as advantages by anyone moving into Surrey, although they will also realise that such benefits need to be balanced by environmental costs such as noise, air and light pollution. For most that is acceptable. However, in recent decades the threat of a fully-new northern runway that would wipe out the viillages of Charlwood and Hookwood turned many in Surrey against the Gatwick expansion plans. Gatwick's single runway is now insufficient to meet the needs of 21st Century air travel so the new plans to develop the existing northern runway are both innovative and eminently sensible. If a Third Runway at Heathrow is still being considered as a possibility then I hope, on a personal basis, that the Gatwick northern runway proposal will be considered in its place. The past 50 years have seen huge changes in aviation, both in terms of sustainable technologies and of the industry's impact on the environment. Climate change and global warming demand strategic political vision and innovative business leadership. Together politicians and corporate leaders will need to ensure that, whatever the final size and shape of Gatwick Airport, it is set within road and rail infrastructure that is fully fit for purpose in meeting future travel demands to and from Gatwick. Optimising the current airport layout to allow expansion using the existing northern runway is the best solution for the short, medium and longer terms. On behalf of the Surrey communities we work with, we urge that priority is accorded to improving all classes of roads around Gatwick Airport if the northern runway proposals are appoved. Also, given the already high volume of air traffic for the London airports identified above, it is imperative that all local airport or airline development decisions are made with reference to that bigger picture. Gatwick Airport used to be in Surrey. The comments above reflect our acceptance of - and dependancy on - Gatwick for the greater good within our local economies. Chris Stanton Chair of Trustees Surrey Community Action