Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Charlotte Hicks

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in Edenbridge right under a flight path and am very concerned already about the noise nuisance caused by so many planes flying over my house. I am therefore extremely worried about the implications that the proposal to have a 2nd runway built at Gatwick airport would have both on my day-day life and on the community. I am objecting very strongly to this proposal for the following reasons:- 1. It would mean more and untenable noise pollution for the residents of Edenbridge especially for those who, like me, live right under one of the flight paths. The noise of the aircraft is so loud that we have to stop talking to one another if we are in the garden as it is impossible to hold a conversation whilst an aircraft is passing overhead. More aircraft noise would seriously affect my quality of life even more than it does at the moment. 2.More flights would lead to more CO2 being discharged into the atmosphere causing global warming and overheating. This complete disregard of the damage that is being done to our planet is unacceptable and untenable, helping to ruin the kind of world that we would all like to leave for our grandchildren. 3. Transport problems. I understand there is no corresponding proposal to increase train services to help with the expected increased passenger loads if more flights are allowed. There will also be even more traffic congestion with ever more people arriving and departing at Gatwick. The roads both in and out of Gatwick are already often congested and difficult to negotiate. More highway traffic will also result in more emissions and unclean air damaging our health, and degrading the roads and main highways. I am therefore protesting strongly against any proposal of this kind of expansion at Gatwick. On a community level where we are all affected the impacts would be devastating and long-lasting. On a personal level, the impact on the quality of life for myself and neighbours would be huge. The impact of the noise pollution on our day-to-day existence is not something that should be forced upon people. For all the reasons above, I find this proposed project unreasonable and unacceptable. Please think again.