Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by John Duggan

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

On the assumption that a second runway would result in a big increase in flight volume I have concerns 1. Safety This 2nd runway was designed as an emergency runway. What has changed since the initial design that safety no longer dictates the need for an emergency runway. Surely there will now be more of a need once the flight volume increases. With the new proposals there will be more planes in the sky landing and taking off in very close proximity over densely populated areas 2. Noise and disruption Living near the airport we do get noise from planes taking off and landing very early in the morning. Obviously this would increase under the new proposals and also it will bring a good deal more traffic into the area 3. Improving the area The closest town to Gatwick is Crawley Anyone who visits Crawley on a regular basis would have to be very skeptical about the benefit the airport has brought to the area. It's one if the most deprived towns in the UK let alone Sussex. How would expanding the airport make that better? It might expand its population but it's over populated as it is for the facilities it has. Kind regards John