Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Christopher James Evans

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing in order to register my objection to the expansion of Gatwick Airport through the use of the Northern Runway. I am a local resident, live under the flight path of route 4, can regularly hear the planes on the runway from inside my house through closed windows and so live with the noise and air pollution. This pollution has an impact on our daily lives and mental wellbeing. The airport has shown little regard for the environment in recent years or local residents with a growth in noise and a desire to maximise turnover and full capacity of the existing runway. Making it the busiest single runway in the world. Should planning be granted there will be a substantial increase in the volume of planes taking off and landing which without doubt will lead to more noise, which is not unacceptable. This will increase flights, pollution and noise pollution in both the day and at night. Furthermore, the pollution levels from the additional air traffic will rise to dangerous levels, as well as the pollution from the additional transportation that would be required to bring all the additional staff in for work. The shift patterns of the workers means public transport options are limited, there are few East to West public transport options and many trains running North to South are at capacity already. Surrey has one of the highest volume of traffic coming into the borough from outside it’s boundaries. This will only increase traffic and put added strain on an already challenged road network. We have been informed that there are no plans to increase the number of trains running, so in addition to the pollution aspect, which would contribute further to an already adverse environmental impact, this would mean a huge increase to the traffic in our area, which our rural roads are not equipped to cope with. There is more regular flooding over the past few years, including the River Mole and the tributaries of Mole Valley - especially when the airport and sewage treatment plants have discharged water in extreme conditions. With climate change this is happening more and more frequently, this would need to be seriously considered in the event that the expansion request is granted. I travel from Gatwick airport to London most days of the week. I normally am unable to get a seat on the train which is overcrowded. The main train station and platforms are busy and full of people. Despite recent investment in the main concourse there is often a to queue to leave the station when returning at then of the day. The rail lines have limited option for expansion due to bottlenecks in the line and so there is simply no ability to cope with the additional people an expanded airport would bring. Another claim for expansion is that of national benefit. However that is a flawed business case is based on a demand on a growing net inbound tourist volumes. Furthermore that a net gain that cannot be supported by already existing and approved airport growth plans elsewhere in the country. However current data shows that there is not the demand of net inbound traffic to justify this expansion as that could be met by the existing capacity. Conclusion The negative impact of the expansion are clear and will be severe for those of us that live around the airport which will cause increased noise, pollution and traffic. It will harm the broader environment and globe, at a time when the impact of global warning and increased CO2 is clear to see. Furthermore there is no credible evidence of the need for expansion beyond increased profit. I therefore reject the proposal and ask that you review the facts and evidence carefully to ensure you are not mislead by a false picture that is being created to justify this expansion. I ask that you put the consideration of local residents and your local environment first.