Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Lawrence Leather

Date submitted
19 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Planning Inspector, I am very grateful at the opportunity to comment on this proposal. As a previous member of the South Downs National Park Authority's Policy and Resources Committee I understand the challenges this development presents. I also write as the son of a local landowner in the High Weald AONB. In the South of England we have but precious fragments of our heritage and Countryside left. Our wildlife and nature are in dramatic decline and our growth in society is worryingly unsustainable for the global climate. A further run way at Gatwick Airport is a very scary statement, it turns its back on guidence to restore nature and reduce emissions and instead moves in pursuit of financial gain for a growing corporate power and avition industry. To protect and enhance our Country and precious environmental we must listen to local voices opposing this project, the beautiful fragments of our Countryside around Gatwick need nurturing and space to grow - they will continue to decline and be devastated by Futher Gatwick expansion. Look at old maps and speak up for our landscape. Thank you