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28 October 2024

The Secretary of State has made a decision to extend the completion period of the Able Marine Energy Park DCO by one year to 28 October 2025. Further construction will only be allowed in the circumstances set out in the decision letter. For further information, please refer to the decision letter (PDF, 140KB).

3 October 2024

Responses to Department for Transport's request for comments on the further information submitted by the Applicant has been published.

View the documents.

17 September 2024

The Applicant’s response to the Department for Transport’s requests of 5 and 8 August 2024 has been published. The Department for Transport invites comments from all Interested Parties on this submission. The Department for Transport would be grateful for a response from Natural England by 1 October 2024

19 August 2024

Responses to the Department for Transport’s request of 25 July 2024 for comments on the further information supplied by the Applicant on 1 July 2024 in respect of the request seeking a time extension to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order were published on 19 August 2024

View the documents

31 July 2024

The deadline for receipt of representations on the Applicant’s response to the representations published on 1 July 2024 on the request seeking a time extension to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order has been extended to 14 August 2024.

25 July 2024

The Applicant has provided a response (PDF 585KB) to the representations published on 1 July 2024 on the request seeking a time extension to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order. The Department for Transport invites any comments on the response to be submitted by 9 August 2024.

8 July 2024

Representations on the request seeking a time extension to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order were published on 1 July 2024. The Department for Transport invites any comments on these responses to be submitted by 22 July 2024.

View the documents

14 June 2024

The deadline for receipt of representations regarding the application for the power to grant an extension to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order made by Able UK Ltd has been extended to 21 June 2024.

View the documents.

10 May 2024

An application for the power to grant an extension to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order has been made by Able UK Ltd. The deadline for receipt of representations is 6 June 2024.

View the documents

16 July 2021

An application for a Material Change has been submitted for the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order 2014.

To view the application documents for the Material Change and to make a Relevant Representation please follow this link.

13 May 2021

The Secretary of State for Transport has issued a decision on the non-material change application made on 19 September 2018 for a non-material change to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order 2014. For further information please refer to the following decision documentation:

Secretary of State Decision Letter (PDF, 205 KB)
Amendment Order (PDF, 77 KB)
Test for Likely Significant Effects Report (PDF, 1 MB)

2 March 2021

The Secretary of State has issued a letter (PDF, 91 KB) inviting Interested Parties to comment on the Test for Likely Significant Effects Report (PDF, 1 MB).
Please email your comments to by 23:59 on 16 March 2021.

10 December 2020

20 November 2020

Please be advised that the Secretary of State has received submissions from the Applicant following a request for further information made on 28 October 2020. The Applicant’s submissions were received by the deadline on 12 November 2020 and have been published on the Able Marine Energy Park National Infrastructure Planning website.

The Secretary of State now invites interested parties to comment on the Applicant’s submissions by 8 December 2020.

The Applicant has responded to the Secretary of State’s letter of 28 October 2020 with the following documents:

Covering Letter
Response to Secretary of State
Draft Amendment Order
Application Statement Rev D
Revised Shadow HRA
Indicative Masterplan
Halton Marshes Layout Core Area Buffers

16 November 2020

The Applicant has responded to the Secretary of State’s letter of 28 October 2020 with the following documents:

Covering Letter
Response to Secretary of State
Draft Amendment Order
Application Statement Rev D
Revised Shadow HRA
Indicative Masterplan
Halton Marshes Layout Core Area Buffers

28 October 2020

The Secretary of State has written to the Applicant with regard to their application for a non material change, (PDF, 196 KB) made on 19 September 2018. The Secretary of State is minded to regard the change sought as a material change subject to consideration of further submissions from the Applicant.

The Applicant is invited to respond to the Secretary of State by Thursday 12 November 2020 to provide any relevant information on the matters referred to in the letter.

23 September 2020

The Marine Management Organisation has published a notice of variation (variation 2) to the Deemed Marine Licences regarding the Able Marine Energy Park.

19 September 2018

An application for a non-material change to the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order has been made by Able Humber Ports Limited.

If you wish to make a representation, this should be emailed to or posted to:

National Infrastructure
The Planning Inspectorate
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Bristol, BS1 6PN

The deadline for receipt of representations is 29 October 2018.

31 October 2014

A report of the Joint Committee on the Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order 2014 has been published, marking the end of the Special Parliamentary Procedure in relation to that Order.

The Development Consent Order came into force on 29th October 2014.

10 February 2014

The Able Marine Energy Park development consent order is made in the form of a statutory instrument and needs to go through Parliamentary processes before coming into effect. This is because the Order contains a certain type of legislative provision; it applies statutory powers to compulsorily acquire land of statutory undertakers, who have sustained their objection to those powers. The [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002236-Able%20Marine%20Energy%20Park%20Development%20Consent%20Order%20-%20laid%20before%20Parliament%2010%20February%202014.DOC"]Order[/ipc_link] was made on 13 January 2014 and laid before Parliament on 10 February 2014. Notice of this was given in the [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002235-140204%20-%20Scan%20of%20London%20Gazette%20notice%20announcing%20laying%20of%20Order%20for%20SPP.pdf"]London Gazette[/ipc_link] on 4 February 2014.

For further information see the [ipc_link path=""]Parliament website[/ipc_link].

18 December 2013

The Secretary of State has granted development consent for this application.

For further information, please refer to the following decision documentation:

Secretary of State Decision Letter
Text of the Development Consent Order the Secretary of State intends to make
Planning Inspectorate notification of decision

See also:
Examining Authority's Findings and Recommendations with Appendices - published on 28 August 2013 (ZIP 4 MB)

18 December 2013

Decision made by the Secretary of State

20 November 2013

[ipc_link path="?ipcsection=docs&stage=&filter=&date_type=deadline&from=15-11-2013&to=15-11-2013"]Responses to the DfT consultation[/ipc_link] have been published.

See also [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-000766-131018_TR030001_Planning%20Inspectorate%20notification%20letter.doc"]notification letter[/ipc_link] sent to interested parties on 18 October.

18 October 2013

The Department for Transport (DfT) has asked the Planning Inspectorate to make available the [ipc_link path="?ipcsection=docs&stage=&filter=&date_type=published&from=18-10-2013&to=18-10-2013"]Applicant's response[/ipc_link] to the [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002153-130828_Norman%20Baker%20Minded%20to%20Approve%20Letter.pdf"]Department's letter[/ipc_link] of 28 August 2013. For further information and details of how to respond to the DfT consultation please see the [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-000766-131018_TR030001_Planning%20Inspectorate%20notification%20letter.doc"]notification letter[/ipc_link] from The Planning Inspectorate.

25 September 2013

Norman Baker, the Minister appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport to decide this application, has announced that he is "minded to approve" this application subject to receiving further information from the applicant on a number of specific issues. The [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002153-130828_Norman%20Baker%20Minded%20to%20Approve%20Letter.pdf"]"minded to approve" letter of 28 August 2013[/ipc_link] along with a [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002255-Text%20of%20Order%20the%20Secretary%20of%20State%20intends%20to%20make%20for%20the%20Able%20Marine%20Energy%20Park%20August%202013.pdf"]revised draft development consent order[/ipc_link] and the Panel's report can be viewed on the [ipc_link path="?ipcsection=dft"]DfT consultation page[/ipc_link].

On 24 September 2013, the Department for Transport allowed a further 3 weeks (until 16 October 2013) for the Applicant to respond to the Department’s letter of 28 August 2013. [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002119-Applicant%20request%20to%20extend%20deadline%20for%20further%20information.pdf"]The applicant’s request for further time[/ipc_link], which explains the reasons for the request, has been published. As indicated in the Department’s letter of 28 August 2013, interested parties will have 28 days to comment on the Applicant’s response to that letter. The Department has not altered the 18 December 2013 deadline for the decision.

The Department for Transport has asked the Planning Inspectorate to make available correspondence received by the Department after the close of the examination and referred to in its "minded to approve" letter, including a [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002150-DEFRA%20S127%20letter%20certificate%20and%20notice%20(Anglian%20Water).pdf"]certificate issued by the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs in relation to the Section 127 application made by the applicant[/ipc_link], two "minded to issue" letters from the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change in relation to the Section 127 applications made by the applicant ([ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002149-130828_DECC%20Centrica%20s127%20letter.pdf"]Centrica letter[/ipc_link] | [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002156-130828_DECC%20EON%20s127%20letter.pdf"]EON letter[/ipc_link]) and a [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002259-Letter%20from%20The%20Crown%20Estate%20of%2022%20August%202013%20reporting%20on%20its%20negotiations%20with%20Able.pdf"]letter from the Crown Estate [/ipc_link]. The Department is not inviting representations on these matters.

26 July 2013

On 25 July 2013 the Secretary of State set a new deadline for the decision on this application. For further information, please refer to the [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002209-130725_TR030001_Secretary%20of%20State%20decision%20to%20set%20a%20new%20deadline%20for%20decision.pdf"]letter from the Department of Transport[/ipc_link].

21 May 2013

The Secretary of State has set a new deadline for the decision on this application. For further information, please refer to the [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002175-130521_TR030001_Secretary%20of%20State%20decision%20to%20set%20a%20new%20deadline%20for%20decision.doc"]letter from the Department for Transport[/ipc_link]

25 February 2013

The Examining Authority has issued its recommendation to the Secretary of State. A decision will be published on or before 24 May 2013. Please note that the Examining Authority’s recommendation will also be made available at that point.

24 February 2013

Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate

27 November 2012

The Panel has concluded its examination of the Able Marine Energy Park application and has sent a letter to interested parties.

Now that the examination is closed the Panel will no longer be able to receive written representations and submissions about this application.

The Panel must prepare a report on the application to the relevant Secretary of State, including a recommendation, within 3 months of the end of the six month examination period. The Secretary of State then has a further 3 months to make the decision on whether to grant or refuse development consent.

22 November 2012

Associated British Ports have written to the Secretary of State for Transport requesting an extension to the Examination period under S.98(4) of the Planning Act 2008.
[ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001685-121120_%20TR030001_Associated%20British%20Ports.pdf"]
View Associated British Ports Letter[/ipc_link]

Able Humber Ports Ltd responded to Associated British Ports letter to The Secretary of State for Transport on the 22 November 12.

[ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001691-121122%20TR030001%20Able%20Humber%20Ports%20Ltd.pdf"]View Able Humber Ports Ltd letter[/ipc_link]

The Secretary of State for Transport has responded to Associated British Ports letter.

[ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001488-121127_TR030001_Secretary%20of%20State%20response%20to%20application%20by%20ABP%20under%20s98%20(4)%20of%20PA2008.pdf"]View The Secretary of State for Transport Letter[/ipc_link]

19 November 2012

Rule 17 letters have been issued by the Examining Authority to:
- [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001850-The%20Examining%20Authority.15%20November%202012.pdf"]Able Humber Ports Ltd[/ipc_link] on 15 November
- [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001851-The%20Examining%20Authority%2015-11-2012.pdf"]Able Humber Ports Ltd, Natural England, Environment Agency, Marine Management Organisation and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds[/ipc_link] on 15 November
- [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001853-The%20Examining%20Authority"]The Crown Estate[/ipc_link] on 16 November

15 November 2012

Audio recordings of the Specific Issue Hearings held on the 12 November (4 parts) and 13 November (4 parts) have been published. The audio files are large and may take a while to download. Follow the link to the [ipc_link path="?ipcsection=hearings"]hearings page[/ipc_link] and click on the Issue Specific Hearing - 12-11-2012 tab, to access the recordings for the first day and click on the Issue Specific Hearing - 13-11-2012 tab, to access the recordings for the second day.

12 November 2012

The [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002077-121112_Agenda%20for%20Specific%20Issue%20Hearings%20for%20draft%20Development%20Consent%20Order%20and%20Deemed%20Marine%20Licence%20to%20be%20held%2021%20and%2022%20November%2012.doc"]agenda[/ipc_link] for the Specific Issue hearings to be held 21 and 22 November has been issued by The Examining Authority

12 November 2012

East Riding of Yorkshire Council have accepted the [ipc_link path=""]planning application[/ipc_link] under the Town and Country Planning regime for the proposed wet grassland site at Cherry Cobb Sands.

9 November 2012

The [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001400-121107%20Document%20Index%2026%20October%20to%2009%20November%20for%20Publishing.pdf"]Indicative Document Index[/ipc_link] has been updated to include documents received by the Planning Inspectorate from 26 October up to and including those received before noon 09 November.

8 November 2012

An [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001399-121107%20Document%20Index%2026%20October%20to%2001%20November"] Indicative Document Index [/ipc_link] has been produced to aid parties in identifying the latest documents that have been added to the website. This document will be next updated on the 19 November.

7 November 2012

The [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002018-121107_TR030001_Specific%20Issue%20Hearing%20for%20Compensation%20Proposals_Agenda.doc"]agenda for the hearings[/ipc_link] to be held 12 and 13 November has been issued.

26 October 2012

The site visit that was cancelled on 18th October has been rearranged for 14 November. Please see the [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001484-121025_TR030001_Revised%20Marine%20Site%20Visit%20Rule%2016.doc"]Rule 16 letter issued on 25th October 2012[/ipc_link].

17 October 2012

The hearing due to take place tomorrow (18 October) has been cancelled. Matters due for discussion have been covered in the hearings that took place on the 16 and 17 October.

16 October 2012

The Examining Authority has issued an [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001956-121013_Agendas%20for%20Specific%20Issue%20Hearings%20on%20Local%20Impact%20Reports%20and%20Road%20Transport%2022%20October%202012.doc"]agenda[/ipc_link] for the Specific Issue Hearings on Local Impact Reports and Road Transport 22 October 2012.

10 October 2012

The Examining authority has issued a [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001476-121009%20TR030001%20AMEP%20Compulsory%20Acquisition%20Hearing%20and%20S.127.pdf"]supplementary agenda[/ipc_link] for the compulsory acquisition hearings taking place on 16, 17 and 18 October.

5 October 2012

The Panel have [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001650-121004%20TR030001%20Letter%20from%20the%20Examining%20Authority%20in%20response%20to%20letter%20from%20the%20RSPB%20-%20received%2026%20September%202012.pdf"]replied to a letter from the RSPB[/ipc_link]. This letter will be of interest to all parties as it provides explanation of recent changes to the examination timetable.

4 October 2012

The Panel have issued [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001955-121004%20Compulsory%20Acquisition%20Hearings%20Agenda%2016%20-%2018%20October%202012"]an agenda[/ipc_link] for the Compulsory Acquisition hearings to be held on 16, 17 and 18 October.

2 October 2012

A [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001465-121001TR030001%20AMEP%20Examination%20calendar.pdf"]revised examination calendar[/ipc_link] has been published, updated to reflect recent amendments to the examination timetable. Please ensure that you view this in combination with recent Rule 13/8(3) letters.

17 September 2012

Audio recordings of the Specific Issue Hearings held on the 11 September, 12 September, 13 September and on the 14 September have been published. The audio files have been split into parts to make it easier to download however please note that these files are large and may take longer to download on slower internet connections. Go to the [ipc_link path="?ipcsection=hearings"]hearings page[/ipc_link] and filter by the date of hearing to access the files.

12 September 2012

The Examining Authority have issued [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001467-TR030001_Rule%2013%20update%20to%20October%20hearings"]a notice[/ipc_link] confirming that two proposed hearings scheduled to be held on 09 and 11 October will now not take place. The notice also confirms the details of forthcoming hearings in October.

11 September 2012

Audio recordings of the Open Floor Hearings held on the [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001886-Hedon%20Hearing.mp3"]05 September at Hedon[/ipc_link] (MP3 81 MB) and on the [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001894-immingham%20hearing.mp3"]06 September at Immingham[/ipc_link] (MP3 68 MB) have been published. The audio files are large and may take a while to download.

17 August 2012

The Examining Authority has issued its [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001461-120817_TR030001_Second%20Round%20Questions.doc"]second round of written questions[/ipc_link]. Responses to these questions should be provided by the timetabled deadline of Friday 7 September 2012.

15 August 2012

The Examining Authority have issued a notice confirming the details of hearings contained with the examination timetable along with an amendment to the timetable to allow more time for hearings in October; please see [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001462-120815_TR030001_Rule13%202nd%20Notification%20of%20Hearings%20Letter"]Rule 8(3) and Rule 13 letter[/ipc_link] for further information.

In addition we have produced [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/2.%20Post-Submission/Procedural%20Decisions/120815%20TR030001%20AMEP%20Examination%20Timetable.pdf"]the timetable in calendar format[/ipc_link] in order to assist understanding of the various deadlines and events.

26 July 2012

The Panel have provided a response to a letter from Osborne Clarke relating to EIA Regulation 17. [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001617-120725_TR030001_Examining%20Authority%20response%20to%20Osborne%20Clarke.pdf"]View the response[/ipc_link]

19 July 2012

Please note that the Panel's [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001460-120710_TR030001_Rule8(3)%20amendment%20to%20timetable.doc"]Rule 8(c) letter of 10 July 2012[/ipc_link] only extended the deadline for comments on Written Representations and comments on Relevant Representations to Friday 3 August 2012 - all other submissions noted within the examination timetable as due for submission on Friday 27 July 2012 remain.

13 July 2012

Audio recordings of the Specific Issue Hearing held on the 12 July 2012 for the draft Development Consent Order and draft Deemed Marine Licence have been published in three parts. The audio files are large and may take a while to download.

[ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001865-Able%20Marine%20Energy%20Park%20draft%20DCO%20Specific%20Issue%20Hearing%20Part%201.mp3"]Part 1[/ipc_link] (MP3 109 MB)
[ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001866-Able%20Marine%20Energy%20Park%20draft%20DCO%20Specific%20Issue%20Hearing%20Part%202.mp3"]Part 2[/ipc_link] (MP3 77 MB)
[ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001867-Able%20Marine%20Energy%20Park%20draft%20DCO%20Specific%20Issue%20Hearing%20Part%203.mp3"]Part 3[/ipc_link] (MP3 42 MB)

11 July 2012

Please note that the examination timetable has been amended; please see [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001460-120710_TR030001_Rule8(3)%20amendment%20to%20timetable.doc"]Rule 8(c) letter[/ipc_link] for further information.

10 July 2012

All [ipc_link path="?ipcsection=reps"]Written Representations[/ipc_link], [ipc_link path="?ipcsection=coms"]Comments[/ipc_link], [ipc_link path="?ipcsection=lir"]Local Impact Reports[/ipc_link] and [ipc_link path="?ipcsection=quest"]responses to the Examining Authority's 1st round questions[/ipc_link] have now been published.

[ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-001883-DRAFT%20DCO%20Hearing%20agenda%20letter.doc"]Letter[/ipc_link] issued on 4 July by examining authority dealing with the Specific Issue Hearing considering the draft Development Consent Order to be held on 12 July 2012.

19 June 2012

Audio recordings of the Preliminary Meeting have been published in 2 parts. [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002240-Able%20Preliminary%20Meeting%20Part%201.mp3"]Part 1[/ipc_link] (MP3 23 MB) | [ipc_link path="/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR030001/TR030001-002239-Able%20Preliminary%20Meeting%20Part%202.mp3"]Part 2[/ipc_link] (MP3 65 MB)

31 May 2012

The Examination Timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to Interested Parties.

Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.

24 May 2012

Examination begins

1 May 2012

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

19 April 2012

Relevant representations published on the website

2 April 2012

Registration of interested parties closes

23 February 2012

Registration of interested parties begins

12 January 2012

The application has been accepted for examination

19 December 2011

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate