6.19 - ES Chapter 16 – Transport, Access and Non-Motorised Users
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O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.11 - Planning Statement
(PDF, 2MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.13 - CTMP – Construction Traffic Management Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.20 - ES Chapter 17 – Water Resources, Drainage and Flood Risk
(PDF, 852KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.1 - Design and Access Statement
(PDF, 32MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.2 - ES Volume 1 - Non Technical Summary
(PDF, 3MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.21 - ES Chapter 18 – In-combination and Cumulative Effects Assessment
(PDF, 540KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.23 - ES Chapter 19 – Glossary
(PDF, 358KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.12 - Avon Gorge Vegetation Management Plan
(PDF, 22MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.14 - Master Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
(PDF, 1MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figure 1.3 Location Plan
(PDF, 3MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figure 6.1 - Planning Constraints
(PDF, 28MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.4 - Outline Business Case 2017 (Part 1 of 3)
(PDF, 480KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.3 - Preliminary Business Case 2014 (Part 1 of 3)
(PDF, 34MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.2 - Legal Opinion from Stephen Tromans QC regarding the Report to Inform Habitats Regulations Assessment
(PDF, 770KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figure 18.1 - Proposed Development
(PDF, 15MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figure 17.1 - Water Features
(PDF, 14MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.3 - Preliminary Business Case 2014 (Part 2 of 3)
(PDF, 47MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.3 - Preliminary Business Case 2014 (Part 3 of 3)
(PDF, 14MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figure 10.1 - Ground Conditions
(PDF, 12MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figures 7.1 to 7.4 - Air Quality
(PDF, 35MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.5 - Major Accidents and disasters
(PDF, 5MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.7 - Level Crossings Risk Assessment Report – Ashton Junction
(PDF, 15MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.6 - Letter from Colin Medus, North Somerset Council re: Offsite planting on the A369 Portbury Hundred dated 12 September 2019
(PDF, 393KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.8 - Level Crossings Narrative Risk Assessment - Ashton Containers Footpath Level Crossing
(PDF, 2MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figures 9.1 to 9.4 - Ecology
(PDF, 34MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figures 11.1 to 11.3 - Landscape and Visual Impacts Assessment
(PDF, 26MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.4 - Outline Business Case 2017 (Part 2 of 3)
(PDF, 8MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 1.1 to 1.3 - Series Introduction
(PDF, 462KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
8.4 - Outline Business Case 2017 (Part 3 of 3)
(PDF, 48MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 10.1 - Risk Classification
(PDF, 1MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figures 8.1 and 8.2 - Cultural Heritage
(PDF, 14MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figures 13.1 and 13.2 - Noise Vibration
(PDF, 32MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 10.2 - Land Contamination Summary Report Annex A1 (Part 1 of 5) Portishead Station Envirocheck
(PDF, 26MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.11 - 2.14 - Portishead Station Plans
(PDF, 4MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.18 - 2.20 - Pill Station
(PDF, 5MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.1 - Location Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 10.2 - Land Contamination Summary Report Annex A2 (Part 2 of 5) Portishead to Portbury Envirocheck
(PDF, 25MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 10.2 - Land Contamination Summary Report Annex A4 (Part 4 of 5) Pill Envirocheck
(PDF, 29MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 11.1 and 11.2 - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
(PDF, 5MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 10.2 - Land Contamination Annexes B to J
(PDF, 45MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.10 - Railway Landscape Plans (disused line)
(PDF, 8MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.15 - 2.17 - Trinity Footbridge Plans
(PDF, 10MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 10.2 - Land Contamination Summary Report Annex A3 (Part 3 of 5) Portishead to Easton-in-Gordano Envirocheck
(PDF, 32MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 10.2 - Land Contamination Summary Report Annex A5 (Part 5 of 5) Ashton Vale Envirocheck
(PDF, 23MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.23 - 2.28 - Earthworks
(PDF, 6MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 11.3 and 11.4 - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
(PDF, 7MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 10 of 18) - Appendix F Junction Assessments
(PDF, 10MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 12 of 18) - Appendix H Avonmouth/Severnside
(PDF, 6MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.2 - Land Plans
(PDF, 17MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.22 - Avon Road Underbridge
(PDF, 2MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 13 Series - Noise and Vibration
(PDF, 19MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.29 - Compounds, Haul Roads and Access to Works Plan
(PDF, 18MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 13 of 18) - Appendix I Parking Surveys
(PDF, 6MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 11 of 18) - Appendix G Distribution and Assignments
(PDF, 597KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 1 of 18)
(PDF, 4MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.21 - Cattle Creep: Proposed General Arrangement (Sheets 1 and 2)
(PDF, 1MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 2 of 18) - Figures Vol 1
(PDF, 19MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 17 of 18) - Appendix M Outline Station Travel Plans
(PDF, 8MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.33 - Public Rights of Way Plans
(PDF, 19MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.3 - Works Plans
(PDF, 22MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.31 - Permanent Traffic Regulation Order Plans
(PDF, 3MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 14 of 18) - Appendix J Walking and Cycling
(PDF, 11MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 18 of 18) - Appendix N Ashton Vale Road
(PDF, 7MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 15 of 18) - Appendix K CTMP
(PDF, 7MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 16 of 18) - Appendix L Match Day Pedestrian Impacts
(PDF, 472KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.30 - Permanent and Temporary Stopping up and Diversion Plan
(PDF, 12MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.32 - Crossings to be Extinguished Plans
(PDF, 12MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.34 - Diversion Routes for Pedestrians and Cyclists (Part 2 of 2)
(PDF, 35MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 3 of 18) - Figures Vol 2
(PDF, 29MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 4 of 18) - Figures Vol 3
(PDF, 30MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.36 - Cross Section Plans
(PDF, 9MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.35 - New Highways Plans
(PDF, 12MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 7 of 18) - Appendix C Report of Surveys
(PDF, 18MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.37 - National Cycle Network (NCN) Temporary and Permanent Work Plans
(PDF, 3MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.34 - Diversion Routes for Pedestrians and Cyclists (Part 1 of 2)
(PDF, 34MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 5 of 18) - Appendix A TA Scoping Report
(PDF, 4MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 6 of 18) - Appendix B Committed Developments
(PDF, 433KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 9 of 18) - Appendix E Network Plots
(PDF, 24MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 16.1 - Transport Assessment (Part 8 of 18) - Appendix D Accidents Data
(PDF, 10MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 4 of 17) - Appendix C to J
(PDF, 42MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 6 of 17) - Appendix N (Part 1 of 8)
(PDF, 8MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.38 - Portishead Station Car Park Layout, Landscaping and New Boulevard and Access Plan (includes lighting for footpaths)
(PDF, 7MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 7 of 17) - Appendix N (Part 2 of 8)
(PDF, 39MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.41 - Easton in Gordano flood mitigation plan
(PDF, 1MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 2 of 17) - Appendix B Part 1 of 2
(PDF, 14MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 3 of 17) - Appendix B Part 2 of 2
(PDF, 34MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.37a - Bridleway Extension Under Elevated M5 Plan
(PDF, 1MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.39 - 2.40 - Wessex Water Compound and Portbury Hundred Construction Compound
(PDF, 2MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.4 - General Arrangement plans
(PDF, 22MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 1 of 17)
(PDF, 2MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 5 of 17) - Appendix K to M
(PDF, 45MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.45 - 2.46 - Ham Green Highway Works Plans and Pill Tunnel Eastern Portal Compound, Landscaping and Access Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.47 - Ashton Vale Road and Winterstoke Road Highway Works Plan
(PDF, 3MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.42 - Pill Station Car Park and PSP Layout, Landscaping, Lighting and Access Plan
(PDF, 4MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
2.43 - 2.44 - Pill Memorial Club Bus Stops and Car Park Plan and Construction Compound
(PDF, 1MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 12 of 17) - Appendix N (Part 7 of 8)
(PDF, 33MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 9 of 17) - Appendix N (Part 4 of 8)
(PDF, 41MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 10 of 17) - Appendix N (Part 5 of 8)
(PDF, 28MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (Part 13 of 17) - Appendix N (Part 8 of 8)
(PDF, 38MB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran North Somerset District Council - The Applicant