View examination library (PDF, 1MB) containing document reference numbers
Request for information from the Applicant and the Bristol Port Company by 27 August 2021
(PDF, 161KB)
From Department For Transport
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021 - ANNEX 3 - Revised protective provisions which the Applicant has proposed to NGET
(PDF, 193KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council – The Applicant
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021 - ANNEX 5 - Updated Compulsory Acquisition Schedule
(PDF, 422KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council – The Applicant
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021
(PDF, 179KB)
From Stuart Tarr on behalf of Ham Green Residents and their Supporters
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021 - Letter to Secretary of State dated 9 August 2021
(PDF, 125KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council – The Applicant
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021
(PDF, 102KB)
From Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP on behalf of Exolum Pipeline System Limited (formerly CLH Pipeline System (CLH-PS)
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021
(PDF, 1MB)
From BDB Pitmans LLP on behalf of National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (‘NGET’)
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021
(PDF, 638KB)
From First Corporate Shipping Limited, trading as The Bristol Port Company
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021
(PDF, 142KB)
From Osborne Clarke LLP on behalf of Western Power Distribution (South West) PLC (WPD)
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021 - ANNEX 1 - Letter dated 21 July 2021
(PDF, 33MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council – The Applicant
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021 - ANNEX 2 - Enclosure 6 shown in comparison to that enclosed with the July letter
(PDF, 631KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council – The Applicant
Response to the Secretary of State’s consultation of 26 July 2021 - ANNEX 4 - Revised PPs shown as a comparison to NGET submitted PPs at REP4-046
(PDF, 327KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council – The Applicant
Request for information from the Applicant and the Interested parties by 9 August 2021
(PDF, 181KB)
From Department for Transport
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.74 - Section 135 Crown consent from Defra and Forestry Commission
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.76 - DCO Validation Reports – Parts 1 to 3
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.3.17 - Statement of Common Ground - National Trust (Version 1)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.75 - Section 135 Crown consent from Department for Transport
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.47 - Completed Agreement with Forestry Commission - executed by Forestry Commission
(PDF, 31MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.7 - Statement of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground (Version 5)
(PDF, 337KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.11 - Compulsory Acquisition Schedule (Version 6)
(PDF, 530KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.1 - Schedule of Changes to the draft Development Consent Order (Version 7)
(PDF, 703KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.72 - Applicants response to Written Representations submitted for Deadline 7
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 1.4 - Guide to the Application (Version 13)
(PDF, 618KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.68 - Applicants Cover Letter for Examination Closing Submissions
(PDF, 213KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 3.1 - Draft Proposed Development Consent Order (Version 8) (comparison to Version 1)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission – Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority – Note in relation to the extent of matters agreed between BPC and the Applicant after deadline 7
(PDF, 291KB)
From Wedlake Bell LLP on behalf of The Bristol Port Company
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.71 - Consents and Licences required under Other Legislation (including progress update)
(PDF, 333KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.73 - Applicants response to the Additional Submission of Mr S and Mrs J Millard (AS-069)
(PDF, 6MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 3.1 - Draft Proposed Development Consent Order (Version 8) (comparison to Version 7)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.3.19 - Statement of Common Ground - Freightliner Limited (Version 2)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 3.1 - Draft Proposed Development Consent Order (Version 8) (clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.47 - Completed Agreement with Forestry Commission - executed by the Applicant
(PDF, 46MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 9.51 - Crown Land Schedule of Negotiations (Version 2)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Notification of completion of Examination - s99
(PDF, 108KB)
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 4MB)
From Jeremy B. Bell on behalf of Mr S & Mrs J Millard
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection 3 (USI3) – 15 April 2021
(PDF, 11MB)
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection 4 (USI4) – 16 April 2021
(PDF, 108KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.1 ExA.SoCG-NSC.D7.V2 - Statement of Common Ground - North Somerset Council Local Planning Authority (Version 2)
(PDF, 11MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.61 ExA.FI.D7.V1 - Applicant's Responses to the Rule 17 Request
(PDF, 13MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.15 ExA.SoCG-NRIL.D7.V1 - Statement of Common Ground - Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Version 1)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 6.24 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 - Figures 11.1 to 11.3 - Landscape and Visual Impacts Assessment (Version 3) - Clean
(PDF, 34MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 6.25 - Environmental Statement Volume 4 - Appendix 4.2 Master Construction Environmental Management Plan (Version 4)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 6.31 - Schedule of Mitigation (Version 4) (Tracked Changes)
(PDF, 971KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Comments on the ExA’s preferred dDCO
(PDF, 103KB)
From Stuart Tarr on behalf of Ham Green and Chapel Pill Lane Residents
Deadline 7 Submission - Response to the Examining Authority's Request for Further Information dated 29 March 2021
(PDF, 276KB)
From National Trust
Deadline 7 Submission - 3.1 - Draft Proposed Development Consent Order (Version 7) (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 8.14 - Master Construction Environmental Management Plan (Version 4)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.62 ExA.FI.D7.V1 - Draft Section 278 Agreement with Bristol City Council (Version 1)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.67 ExA.FI.D7.V1 - Section 135 Crown consent from Ministry of Defence (Version 1)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 3.1 - Draft Proposed Development Consent Order (Version 7) (Comparison to Version 6)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.7 ExA.SoCG-NSLIDB.D7.V2 - Statement of Common Ground - North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage Board (Version 2)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Cover Letter for Deadline 7
(PDF, 136KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Ongoing Negotiations of Protective Provisions Agreement
(PDF, 127KB)
From Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP on behalf of Exolum Pipeline System Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 6.25 - Environmental Statement Volume 4 - Appendix 4.3 - Schedule of Mitigation (Version 4) (Clean)
(PDF, 987KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.63 ExA.FI.D7.V1 - Applicant's Comments on the Report on the Implications for European Sites (Version 1)
(PDF, 301KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Note in Respect of Protective Provisions Required by Bristol Port Company
(PDF, 202KB)
From Wedlake Bell LLP on behalf of The Bristol Port Company
Deadline 7 Submission - Note in Respect of the Easement to the at-grade crossing at Court House
(PDF, 32MB)
From Wedlake Bell LLP on behalf of The Bristol Port Company
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.14 ExA.SoCG-WPD.D7.V2 - Statement of Common Ground - Western Power Distribution (South West) Plc (Version 2)
(PDF, 314KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Comments on the Applicant's Responses to Proposed Changes to Requirements in Schedule 2 of the dDCO Submitted at Deadline 6
(PDF, 716KB)
From North Somerset District Council
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.60 ExA.FI.D7.V1 - Applicant's comments on the preferred draft Order proposed by the Examining Authority
(PDF, 452KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Response to the Examining Authority's Request for Further Information dated 29 March 2021
(PDF, 10MB)
From BDB Pitmans LLP on behalf of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.2 ExA.SoCG-BCC.D7.V3 - Statement of Common Ground - Bristol City Council (Version 3)
(PDF, 14MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.10 ExA.SoCG-OL.D7.V3 - Statement of Common Ground - Openreach Limited (Version 3)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Note in Relation to Compulsory Acquisition Matters
(PDF, 81KB)
From Wedlake Bell LLP on behalf of The Bristol Port Company
Deadline 7 Submission - 2.10 - Railway Landscape Plans (Disused Line) (Version 3)
(PDF, 6MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 1.4 - Guide to the Application (Version 12)
(PDF, 609KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 4.3 - Book of Reference (Version 4) (Clean)
(PDF, 13MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - Response to the Examining Authority's Request for Further Information dated 29 March 2021
(PDF, 82KB)
From North Somerset District Council
Deadline 7 Submission - 2.6 - Crown Land Plan (Version 2)
(PDF, 41MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 4.3 - Book of Reference (Version 4) (Tracked Changes)
(PDF, 11MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.3 ExA.SoCG-EA.D7.V5 - Statement of Common Ground - Environment Agency (Version 5)
(PDF, 12MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 6.24 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 - Figures 11.1 to 11.3 - Landscape and Visual Impacts Assessment (Version 3) - Tracked Changes
(PDF, 34MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 2.4 - General Arrangement Plans (Version 4)
(PDF, 21MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 3.1 - Draft Proposed Development Consent Order (Version 7) (Comparison to Version 1)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.59 ExA.CWR.D7.V1 - Applicant's response to Written Representations submitted for Deadline 6
(PDF, 969KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 3.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Version 5) (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 6.25 - Environmental Statement Volume 4 - Appendix 9.13 to 9.18 - Ecology and Biodiversity (Version 4) (Tracked Changes)
(PDF, 36MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 4.1 - Statement of Reasons (Version 5) (Comparison to Version 4)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 6.31 - Schedule of Mitigation (Version 4) (Clean)
(PDF, 974KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.66 ExA.FI.D7.V1 - Responses to Further Information Previously Requested for Deadline 7
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.47 ExA.FI.D7.V2 - Agreement with Forestry Commission - Executed by Forestry Commission
(PDF, 31MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.47 ExA.FI.D7.V2 - Agreement with Forestry Commission - Executed by the Applicant
(PDF, 29MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.64 ExA.FI.D7.V1 - Section 127 Position Statement (Version 1)
(PDF, 22MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.19 ExA.SoCG-FL.D7.V1 - Statement of Common Ground - Freightliner Limited (Version 1)
(PDF, 239KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.11 ExA.CA.D7.V5 - Compulsory Acquisition Schedule (Version 5)
(PDF, 529KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 6.25 - Environmental Statement Volume 4 - Appendix 9.13 to 9.18 - Ecology and Biodiversity (Version 4) (Clean)
(PDF, 36MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.1 ExA.Sch.D7.V6 - Schedule of Changes to the draft Development Consent Order (Version 6)
(PDF, 297KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 9.3.13 ExA SoCG-WW.D7.V3 - Statement of Common Ground - Wessex Water Services Limited (Version 3)
(PDF, 5MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 3.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Version 5) (Comparison to Version 4)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 7 Submission - 4.1 - Statement of Reasons (Version 5) (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Issued by the Examining Authority on 29 March 2021
(PDF, 471KB)
From Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES)
The Examining Authority’s Request for Further Information - Rule 17
(PDF, 173KB)
Examining Authority's Consultation draft Development Consent Order (dDCO)
(PDF, 185KB)
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority – Requirement 18
(PDF, 394KB)
From Sutherland Property and Legal Services Ltd on behalf of ETM Contractors Ltd and Manheim Auctions Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figure 8.1 - Cultural Heritage (Version 2) - clean
(PDF, 15MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 6 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 6.25 - ES Volume 4 - Appendix 9.12 Report to Inform Habitats Regulations Assessment (Version 3) (Clean)
(PDF, 36MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 6 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 6.7 Environmental Statement, Volume 2, Chapter 4 Description of the Proposed Works - Version 2 (Clean)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 6 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 6.18 - ES Chapter 15 - Soils, Agriculture, Land Use and Assets (Version 2) - tracked changes
(PDF, 1MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 6 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 6.6 Environmental Statement, Volume 2, Chapter 3 Scheme Development and Alternatives Considered - Version 2 (Tracked Changes)
(PDF, 755KB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant
Deadline 6 Submission - Late Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - 6.24 - ES Volume 3 - Figure 6.1 - Planning Constraints (Version 2) - tracked changes
(PDF, 27MB)
From Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP on behalf of North Somerset District Council - The Applicant