Back to list Portishead Branch Line - MetroWest Phase 1

Representation by W J Hall

Date submitted
4 February 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a user of NCN26, the cycle way from Pill to Portishead. My representation will relate to the effects of the railway on NCN26 1. Introducing an extra dog leg into NCN26, so making it more dangerous. 2. Failure to take advantage of the works being done on NCN26 to remove the exising doglegs under the bridge by smooting the alignment to improve visibility. 3. The inconsistent level of detail in the application, with a major system level item like an NCN26 gradient up to a road left undetermined, and hence the proposed route also undetermined. For comparison, the cattle creep has been drawn to a level of detail even including catch pits. 4. Routing of the diversion route through minor lane through the bridge under the railway to Lodway Close in Pill, without at least temporarily removing the restriction on cycling.