Back to list Portishead Branch Line - MetroWest Phase 1

Representation by Highways England (Highways England)

Date submitted
26 February 2020
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Highways England is unable to support the Portishead Rail DCO application at this time, on the grounds that further information and clarification is required in respect of the Transport Assessment and Construction Traffic Management Plan. We have undertaken a detailed review of the DCO submission and the supporting information which includes the review of Chapter 16 of the Environmental Statement (ES) Traffic and Transport and relevant appendices. Also, we have reviewed the documentation relating to the construction phase of the scheme and the location and use of compounds. We have undertaken a review of the relevant documents supporting the submission to ensure compliance with the current policies of the Secretary of State as set out in DfT Circular 02/2013 “The Strategic Road Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development” and the MHCLG National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2019, in so far as it relates directly to the interests of Highways England. For the purposes of clarity, Highways England’s interests relate solely to the construction phase of the Portishead Branch Line reopening. Having reviewed the DCO documentation, we are satisfied that there are no significant adverse transport implications for the SRN once construction is complete and the scheme is operational. The following information/clarification is requested: • Further clarification and refinement of construction traffic generation, particularly ballast import/removal HGV movements (trip generation); • A clear distinction between HGV movements associated with ballast/spoil removal and delivery and the movements of ‘other construction materials’; • Clarity on which compounds will be used for the delivery and removal of ballast; • Clear presentation of the arrival and departures profile for all vehicle movements across the construction phase, disaggregated by vehicle type and construction activity, with the peak construction period (in terms of vehicle movements) clearly identified (including the duration of this peak); • Clarification and refinement of the methodology for deriving network peak hour construction traffic generation and a cumulative impact assessment for network peak hours, interpeak and 12-hour.; • Clarity on staff and personnel arrivals/departures with likely shift times/patterns clearly identified. Subject to the findings of the cumulative construction traffic impact assessment, undertake a capacity assessment of M5 J19; and/or: *The above should be provided within a Transport Assessment Addendum • Identify appropriate and proportionate construction traffic management measures (potentially including measures to restrict peak hour and interpeak construction traffic movements at M5 J19 (which should be set out in the Outline CTMP) with the Final CTMP and TMWG to be secured by requirement imposed by the DCO); and • A statement confirming the nature of the use of the compound located under the M5. On receipt of the further information/clarification requested, Highways England is likely to seek a number of Requirements to be imposed by the DCO to manage the impact of the construction phase, particularly at M5 J19. These requirements will be detailed in our Written Representations at the Examination stage. Highways England will seek to pursue a Statement of Common Ground with the applicant as expeditiously as possible to agree our requirements. This will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate prior to Examination. Please see attached.
