
Portishead Branch Line - MetroWest Phase 1

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 129 of 129 representations, newest first.

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  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Planning Temple Quay House 2 The Square Bristol BS1 6PN Our ref: WX/2019/133441/01-L02 Your ref: TR040011 Date: 26 February 2020 Dear Sir/Madam... Read more

  • Town Legal LLP (Town Legal LLP) on behalf of Freightliner Limited (Freightliner Limited)

    1 Introduction 1.1 This is a relevant representation for and on behalf of Freightliner Limited (‘Freightliner’) in respect of the application (‘the Application’) for a Development Consent Order (‘the... Read more

  • Hannah Price

    There seems compelling evidence that a bus scheme run on the train line might prove more efficient, cost effective and produce less Carbon. I would like to hear the counter argument to this point. The... Read more

  • Highways England (Highways England)

    Highways England is unable to support the Portishead Rail DCO application at this time, on the grounds that further information and clarification is required in respect of the Transport Assessment and... Read more

  • Hilary Berry

    Portishead Branch line DCO scheme environmental statement, volume 2. Chapter 4. Description of the proposed works. Pages 4-18 to 4-21. Construction of the railway Works Numbers 1 and 1A 3 Options are... Read more

  • Jane Bonnick

    1 Concern for the level of damage to farmland proposed to facilitate the development and the resulting impact on wildlife and the natural environment 2 Concern about the potential congestion in the... Read more

  • Jo Smith

    I am a resident of Pill and have a vested interest in developments of the railway, which I am anticipating eagerly. I am particularly interested in proposals for roads and parking around the station,... Read more

  • Karen Beaumont-Wraith

    There has been a huge amount of information released recently which interested parties will not have time to review and comment upon at such short notice.

  • Loni Hone

    To whom it may concern. Regarding:   Portishead Branch line DCO scheme environmental statement, volume 2. Chapter 4. Description of the proposed works. Pages 4-18 to 4-21. Construction of the railway... Read more

  • Louise Hopkins

    I am concerned that, in the planning for the above railway, due care has not been taken to mitigate the effects on wildlife around the Lodway Farm/ Cycle path area. This is a “toad corridor”, vitally... Read more

  • Lucie Broad

    Firstly I am concerned that the area at Lodway Farm is to be concreted over and used to provide access to the railway for construction traffic. Living very close to the entrance to the farm I am... Read more

  • Sutherland PLS Limited (Sutherland PLS Limited) on behalf of Manheim Auctions Limited, ETM Contractors Ltd, Flynn Ltd (Manheim Auctions Limited, ETM Contractors Ltd, Flynn Ltd)

    Dear Sirs Metrowest DCO We are instructed by ETM Ltd, Manheim Auctions Limited and Flynn Ltd of Ashton Vale Business Park, a site adversely affected by the proposed DCO. The Site comprises an... Read more

  • Margaret Stowers

    Plot ST353248 07/30 It is proposed to use the pathway alongside my house for access to the railway embankment. This pathway is very narrow and fragile and not suitable for heavy use by either... Read more

  • Mary Donaldson

    I support the re-opening of the railway line from Portishead to Bristol. I am concerned that the planning has not taken into consideration the negative impact on wildlife, particularly toads, which... Read more

  • Michael Carrington

    As someone living near the railway I would like to be made aware of any updates. Thanks.

  • Mr Roger Geoffrey Fox

    My objections in this representation is to improve the environment for the residents of Sheepway by reducing the impact for the residents of Sheepway by reducing the impact of work associated with the... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Dear Sir/Madam Natural England is a statutory consultee for NSIPs, and will be submitting its Relevant Representations later today (26.02.2020). Our representations will focus on assessment of effects... Read more

  • Noel Ayling

    I object to the plan that will create a storage facility during the construction of the railway in the area behind Lodway Farm. Access is planned to be via the residential streets ( Redacted ) neither... Read more

  • Patricia Grindon

    As a life long member of this community I wish to follow all plans and discussions for the reinstatement of our train service. What disruption to village life is proposed during the reinstatement... Read more

  • Patricia Langton

    I am concerned about the proposal for the Lodway Farm site and the implications this would have for local flora and fauna, especially a nationally important toad population.

  • Peter Milner

    I would like to be reassurred that sufficient measures have been taken to preserve the breeding ponds and migratory routes for a significant toad population at Lodway Farm where I understand new works... Read more

  • Peter Stanley

    1. Mitigation measures required around Lodway Farm and the cyclepath that will allow the toads to continue their migration over the Breeches, across the entirety of Lodway Farm fields, over the rail... Read more

  • Rosaleen Thayer

    Please would you put in mitigation measures to protect toads and their access to the breeding ponds. Thank you

  • Wedlake Bell LLP (Wedlake Bell LLP) on behalf of The Bristol Port Company (The Bristol Port Company)

    FIRST CORPORATE SHIPPING LIMITED PORTISHEAD BRANCH LINE - METROWEST PHASE 1 RELEVANT REPRESENTATIONS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The following representations are submitted by First Corporate Shipping... Read more

  • The Coal Authority (The Coal Authority)

    The Coal Authority is pleased to note that the applicant is aware that parts of the proposed Portishead Branch Line fall within our defined Development High Risk Area. However, we note that Section... Read more

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of The London Pensions Fund Authority c/o Knight Frank IM (The London Pensions Fund Authority c/o Knight Frank IM)


  • The National Trust (The National Trust)

    The Proposed Portishead Branch Line (MetroWest Phase 1) Order Planning Inspectorate Ref: TR040011 The National Trust is Europe’s largest conservation charity with nearly six million members.... Read more

  • The Residents of 29 Hardwick Road

    I am concerned that there is insufficient detail on the plans provided to show what proportion of my land is to be subject to compulsory purchase of a permanent interest and temporary right to use the... Read more

  • Trevor Wraith

    I am concerned that while there has been discussions to date the documents recently issued are very large, almost 21000 pages, and contain a huge amount of detail that interested local residents and... Read more