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Advice to CPRE Warks

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CPRE Warks
Date advice given
23 December 2013
Enquiry type

We have received the Examiner's letter dated 13 December 2013 requesting further information and representations on DIRFT3 in the light of the Department of Transport's National Networks NPS. This letter was sent out later on 13 December and was not seen until the beginning of this working week.

Very little time has been allowed for work which requires the obtaining of the DfT's National Networks NPS document and study of it, before considering what representations to make, and drafting and finalising these. This is the more inconvenient because of the holiday season.

Can you please extend the time for representations until Tuesday 24 December? It is unclear why a Friday should be the closing date when the responses will not be examined until the following Monday.

It is not clear when staff at PINS will be available between now and 6 January. When will PINS offices be open and on what days will a member of the DIRFT3 Team be available between Monday 23 December and Friday 3 January 2013, please?

Advice given

Firstly, the deadlines contained in the Examination timetable are set by the Examining Authority (ExA) and unfortunately the case team are unable to extend them. However, the ExA does have discretion to accept submissions which have been received after a deadline has elapsed.

If you have been unable to meet the deadline of 20 December 2013 I advise you to still submit your response to the ExA's rule 17 letter dated 13 December 2013. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee the ExA will accept your late submission as part if it's Examination. The case team will confirm receipt and then advise whether the ExA wishes to accept it. Please note that once the ExA closes it's Examination on or before 8 January 2014, there is no scope to accept any late submissions.

Finally, I can confirm that a member of the DIRFTIII case team will regularly check the project mailbox over the Christmas period.