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Advice to George Cooper

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George Cooper
Date advice given
26 June 2013
Enquiry type

I have received today in the post a notice of a meeting for the Daventry rail freight expansion project with Rugby Radio station. It has come to me as LRF co-ordinator at Northants Police. However I am not sure I should have received it as the forum is a forum and has no legal entity ? I am just checking the notice has gone out to the statutory authorities for their involvement separately.

Advice given

As you may be aware, Northamptonshire Local Resilience Forum 'NLRF' have been identified under s102(1)(ca)(i) of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) as an interested party with status of statutory consultee for the above application. As a statutory consultee, the Planning Inspectorate is under obligation to inform all interested parties about any procedural decisions made about the application until the application formally enters the Examination, hence why we have sent you correspondence regarding the DIRFTIII application. Following the Preliminary Meeting, the Planning Inspectorate will issue a procedural decision known as the 'Rule 8' letter notifying all interested parties including statutory consultees that the Examination has formally opened, enclosing the set Examination timetable. This letter will also provide an opportunity for statutory consultees, who did not submit a Relevant Representation, to contact the ExA requesting to be interested party to be involved in the examination if they wish to; therefore it is for NLRF as a statutory consultee to decide whether you wish, or not to continue being involved in the process of the above application. As NLRF did not submit a Relevant Representation during the registration period, if you wish to continue to be an interested party you will need to write to the ExA requesting this at any time during the examination. I can confirm that the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner have also been indentified as a statutory consultee and they have been corresponded with regarding the above application.