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Advice to Marrons

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Date advice given
17 December 2012
Enquiry type

Response to Marrons e-mail dated 13 December 2012

Advice given

Thank you for your email of today, I shall provide a full reply as soon as I am able.

In the meantime, I would remind you that we will need to receive an updated shapefile, identifying the proposed DCO application site boundary, in the appropriate format. The previous shapefile provided on the 10 October, submitted before the last DCO application was made to the Secretary of State, only identified the main rail freight terminal and did not show the off-site highway works, which are included within the proposed DCO. Therefore a revised shapefile showing both the main rail freight terminal and all of the off-site highway works is required to enable us to identify the appropriate pre-application consultees. I have set out below the requirements that the Shapefile needs to comply with. The shapefile should be:

? a Polygon geometry type and consist of one or more polygon features representing the proposed DCO site boundary (including any associated development);

? a single, valid, ESRI Shapefile for each site boundary, consisting of one or each of the following files: *.prj, *.dbf, .shp, shx. Please note that these four files are essential and no other files should be contained within the *.zip file;

? in the British National Grid (OSGB1936) format; and

? provided as a *.zip file using the default WinZip settings (i.e. no encryption, normal compression etc.). No other files should be contained within the *.zip file.

Please note that we usually request that the shapefile is provided at least 10 working days before the DCO application is submitted.