
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

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Showing 976 to 1000 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Richard Hardman

    Unsuitable development for the location based upon the significant negative environmental impacts the development will cause. Additionally the need for the site in this location and if the location is... Read more

  • Richard Lake

    We live next to the Trainline, What will the frequency of trains be? Will they run all night and all day and affect the current scheduled passanger trains?

  • Richard Moran

    I work in distribution, have seen the entire A5 road from the M1 to Hinckley become an ugly set of warehouses with little care for the environment or the future lives of our children. It’s time to... Read more

  • Richard Reading

    Key adverse impacts: Damage and loss of greenfield land. Increased HGV traffic which may not use M69 Environmental impact in loss of habitats. Key advantages: May get some freight off the roads by... Read more

  • Rick Johnson

    My concerns being increase on demand for local amenities, infrastructure, pollution and the environmental impact this will have on the surrounding areas.

  • Riyaz Somani

    I strongly oppose this project. The noise pollution will have a significant impact on the living environment and the local community.

  • Robert Grassby

    Employment opportunities for local residents

  • Robert payne

    Very concerned about the effects on the wildlife in the area. Also as the rail line is Not electrified what level of euro engines will be fitted to the trains pulling those goods . The road network... Read more

  • Stephen Robinson on behalf of Robinson (Robinson)

    The project will destroy one of the few nature beauty spots in the Hinckley area ie Burbage Woods and Common. The road infrastructure nearby especially the A5 is already virtually nose to tail with... Read more

  • Roger Bennett

    The proposal could bring a lot of jobs to the whole area not just Hinckley. The road network will be improved all around the local.

  • Roger David Ellis

    Iam registering my interest in the planning application because of the effect it will have on my local environment. It will have a overpowering effect on the local green spaces together with the... Read more

  • Roger Guy Booth

    I consider that the construction of HNRFI will have severe consequences for the area such as: - Severe Environmental impact including potential flooding, and increased noise pollution - Highway... Read more

  • Roger Waterhouse

    To my mind there are sufficient depots of this nature in the area especially DFRT. The road network at present is inadequate to service the construction phase let alone employee and service traffic... Read more

  • Roger Young

    This is not wanted! There will be a loss of green belt land and environmental damage as well a a loss to wildlife and habitats. This area has lost enough and many would argue too much already to... Read more


    Why is there a requirement for another distribution complex ? There are already 12 existing or planned warehouse and freight facilities within close proximity: the Amazon and DHL distribution... Read more

  • Russell Abbott

    The whole project is not needed and taking up space that is used for leisure, as well as as all the nature, habitats it will destroy. The roads in Hinckley and surrounding areas struggle to cope with... Read more

  • Ruth Bevan

    Hinckley does not have the infrastructure for a development of this magnitude. Local roads are already overwhelmed particularly the A5 this will have a negative impact on the local community and cause... Read more

  • Ruth Gill

    This development will have a detrimental effect on the whole area. It is not wanted or needed. There is already a rail freight terminal at East Midlands airport and Rugby to serve this area.

  • Sandra Chamberlain

    Additional traffic to the area and impact on Burbage Woods

  • Sandra Elizabeth Ann Fretwell

    This is yet more unacceptable intrusion into an already rapidly depleting countryside around Burbage and Hinckley. Traffic congestion and large HGV vehicles using minor roads in Burbage already create... Read more

  • Sapcote Parish Council (Sapcote Parish Council)

    Sapcote Parish Council oppose the development of the HNRFI because we consider: 1. The need is not properly established, both in terms of the level of need and the provision of other sites. 2. It has... Read more

  • sarah elliott

    I believe the rail freight development will impact severely on traffic through the local villages without the infrastructure to handle it. It is also reducing rural and agricultural land at a time... Read more

  • Sarah Huckerby

    I live directly next to the train line, the vibrations from trains already shakes the house, with more frequent trains this would significantly increase should this go ahead. As a community, council... Read more

  • Sarah louise evans

    I have concerns about the poor roads supporting the surrounding area especially the roads into Hinckley, to the A5. And the effects on the railway network already in hinckley including the poor... Read more

  • Scott Millns

    Over the last 10 years I have seen what seems to be an exponential growth in the amount of vehicular traffic on our local roads. I am a cycle mechanic and worry that the impact of further increased... Read more