
All project updates

12 July 2024

The Examining Authority’s recommendation has been sent to the Secretary of State.

The Examination Library (PDF, 1MB) has been updated.

18 April 2024

The Examining Authority has now completed its Examination of the above application. The findings and conclusions arising from the Examination, together with the Examining Authority's Recommendation will be sent to the Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs no later than 17 July 2024.

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept additional submissions.

The submissions come from:

The examination library (PDF, 1MB) has been updated.

18 April 2024

The Examination closed at 23.59 on 17 April 2024 and the Examining Authority's notification of completion of the Examination (PDF, 134KB) has been published.

17 April 2024

All the submissions for Deadline 7 have been published. The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an additional submission from Sue Woodford (PDF, 4KB).

The examination library (PDF, 1MB) will be updated soon.

11 April 2024

The recordings and transcripts of Issue Specific Hearing 5 have been published

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an additional submission from Cambridgeshire County Council (PDF, 164KB)

The Examination Library (PDF, 1MB) has been updated.

10 April 2024

The Examining Authority has published Action Points (PDF, 114KB) from the Issue Specific Hearing on 9 April 2024.

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept these three Deadline 6 submissions from the Applicant:

The examination library (PDF, 2MB) has been updated.

9 April 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual Issue Specific Hearing 5.

You can also observe the Issue Specific Hearing online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

9 April 2024

The Examining Authority has published a request for further information (PDF, 182KB) from the Applicant, Cambridgeshire County Council and the Environment Agency. The deadline for them to respond is Deadline 7 – Friday 12 April 2024.

8 April 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual Issue Specific Hearing 5.

You can also observe the Issue Specific Hearing online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

8 April 2024

All the submissions for Deadline 6 have been published.

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept two additional submissions.

The submissions come from:

Elizabeth Cotton (PDF, 314, KB)

Andrew Whitaker (PDF, 88KB)

The examination library (PDF, 939KB) has been updated.

3 April 2024

The agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 5 (PDF, 167KB) for the proposed Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 939) has been updated.

28 March 2024

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept 11 additional submissions from Anglian Water Services Limited for the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation project.

The examination library (PDF, 246KB) has been updated.

21 March 2024

The Examining Authority's third questions have been published.

View the questions (PDF, 246KB).

The Examination Library (PDF, 931KB) has been updated

20 March 2024

The following documents from the Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) have been published:

The Examination Library (PDF, 927) will be updated shortly.

19 March 2024

The Action Points from Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) (PDF, 152KB) have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 927KB) has been updated.

13 March 2024

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an additional submission from Natural England (PDF, 271KB).

We have also already sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) or at the venue.

You can also observe the ISH4 livestream online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

The agenda (PDF, 175KB) for the ISH4 has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 2MB) has been updated.

13 March 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) or at the venue.

You can also observe the ISH4 livestream online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

The agenda (PDF, 175KB) for the ISH4 has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 927KB) has been updated.

12 March 2024

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept additional submissions.

The submissions come from:

The Examination Library (PDF, 927KB) has been updated.

11 March 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) or at the venue.

You can also observe the ISH4 livestream online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

The agenda (PDF, 175KB) for the ISH4 has been published.

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion accept the following four additional submissions from the Applicant for the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation.

The Examination Library (PDF, 924KB) has been updated.

8 March 2024

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion accept two additional submissions.

The submissions come from:

The Examination Library (PDF, 907KB) has been updated.

5 March 2024

The Examining Authority’s Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) has been published for the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation project.

View the RIES (PDF, 361KB)

The agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 4 on Wednesday 13 March and Thursday 14 March 2024 has been published.

View the agenda (PDF, 175KB)

1 March 2024

All the submissions for Deadline 5 have been published.

The examination library (PDF, 919KB) has been updated.

27 February 2024

All the submissions for Deadline 5 have been published.

The examination library (PDF, 919KB) has been updated.

14 February 2024

Event Participation form

The Examining Authority's notification of an Issue Specific Hearing and an Accompanied Site  (PDF, 693KB) has been published.

To register please use the Event Participation form by 5 March 2024.

The Examination Library  (PDF, 823KB) has been updated.

7 February 2024

The Planning Inspectorate's webpage for the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant project will be moved over to a new look website in the week commencing Monday 12 February. The website will ask you to use the 'new Beta Service' which you access by clicking the clearly labelled blue box. You will still use the new website in the same way to submit and view documents but the links will be in a different place, for example submitting documents for deadlines is now called 'Have your say'. You can see an example of this process and the changes on the webpage for the Immingham Green Energy Terminal application.

Please contact the Case Team if you have any queries:

31 January 2024

The Examining Authority's Second Written Questions (PDF, 621KB) have been published. The Deadline for responses is 19 February 2024 (Deadline 5).

The Examination Library (PDF, 2MB) has been updated.

31 January 2024

The Examining Authority used their discretion to accept Additional Submissions from:

The Examination Library (PDF, 2MB) has been updated.

26 January 2024

The Examining Authority used their discretion to accept an Additional Submission from Waterbeach and District Bridleways Group (PDF, 168KB)

The Examination Library (PDF, 813KB) has been updated.

25 January 2024

The Deadline 4 submissions have been published.

The Examining Authority used their discretion to accept an Additional Submission from Andrew Whitaker (PDF, 956KB)

The Examination Library (PDF, 741KB) will be updated shortly.

17 January 2024

The Examining Authority's Action Points arising from Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (PDF, 143KB), Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (Days 1 & 2) (PDF, 258KB) have been published.

The recordings and transcripts of Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) and Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (Days 1 & 2) have been published.

The Examining Authority's note of the Unaccompanied Site Inspection 2 (PDF, 106KB) carried out on 8 and 12 January 2024 have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 770KB) has been updated.

10 January 2024

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in the Hearings.

Anyone who wishes to observe the upcoming Hearings in real time should use the following link  Please note that the event(s) will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

The Examining Authority's Agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (PDF, 200KB) and the Agenda for the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (PDF, 234KB) have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 753KB) has been updated.

10 January 2024

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from:

The Examination Library (PDF, 736KB) has been updated.

8 January 2024

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in the Hearings.

Anyone who wishes to observe the upcoming Hearings in real time should use the following link  Please note that the event(s) will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

The Examining Authority's Agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (PDF, 200KB) and the Agenda for the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (PDF, 234KB) have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 753KB) has been updated.

5 January 2024

The Examining Authority has taken the decision, with advice from Anglian Water, to postpone the accompanied site inspection which was due to take place on 8 January.

This is due to severe groundwater saturation around the site as a result of the severe winter storm events and heavy rainfall which has led to significantly higher than average flows. During events such as these when a working site is required to operate outside the normal parameters additional measures are implemented.

These measures include the suspension of any access to visitors and all non-essential personnel whilst the Applicant's operational teams deal with this event.

2 January 2024

The Deadline 3 submissions have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 752KB) has been updated.

21 December 2023

The agendas for the Issue Specific Hearing on Environmental Matters (ISH3) and the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH1) taking place on the 9, 10, 11 of January 2024 have been published:

15 December 2023

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submission from Dr Olwen Williams (PDF, 97KB).

The Examination Library (PDF, 714KB) has been updated.

In addition, an error has been rectified within the Examination Library.

REP1-134 – initially had text to say it has been superseded by REP2-046 and REP2-047 however the note should have appeared against REP1-129.

The Examination Library (PDF, 714KB)  has now been updated to show these amendments.

14 December 2023

The Examining Authority used their discretion to accept two Deadline 2 submissions from Horningsea Parish Council.

The Examination Library (PDF, 759KB) has been updated

12 December 2023

The Examining Authority’s Notification of Hearings and Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) (PDF, 638KB) has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 739KB) has been updated.

11 December 2023

The Deadline 2 submissions have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 689KB) will be updated shortly.

1 December 2023

The Examination Library (EL) (PDF, 689KB) has been updated to include Deadline 1 submissions, please use the EL references when referring to documents. The next deadline is on 6 December 2023 as set out in the Examination Timetable.

24 November 2023

Deadline 1 submissions have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 498KB) will be updated shortly.

3 November 2023

The Examining Authority's First Written Questions (PDF, 2MB), contains a numbering error in the Site Specific Issues section, question - ExQ1.8.33. The reference numbers in parts a) and d) should refer to Plots 021a, 021i, 021b, 021r and 021s. The Deadline for responding to ExQ1 is 20 November 2023 (Deadline 1) as set out in the Examination Timetable (PDF, 316KB).

1 November 2023

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from Anglian Water (PDF, 10MB).

The Examination Library (PDF, 498KB) has been updated.

24 October 2023

The following documents have been published:

24 October 2023

The Examination Timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to Interested Parties.

Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.

23 October 2023

The recordings, transcripts and action points of the following Hearings which took place on 17 October 2023 and 18 October 2023 Preliminary Meeting (PM), Open Floor Hearing (OFH1), Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) and Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) and the note of the Preliminary Meeting (PDF, 521KB) have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 499KB) has been updated.

17 October 2023

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in the Hearings.

Anyone who wishes to observe the upcoming Hearings in real time should use the following link  Please note that the event(s) will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

The Examining Authority’s Agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (PDF, 214KB) and the Agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) (PDF, 233KB) have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 464KB) has been updated.

17 October 2023

Preliminary Meeting takes place

17 October 2023

Examination begins

12 October 2023

10 October 2023

The Examining Authority's Agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (PDF, 214KB) and the Agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) (PDF, 233KB) have been published.

The Agendas include a list of documents that may be referred to during the hearing and a list of attendees who the ExA would find helpful if they could participate.

6 October 2023

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from Anglian Water.

The Examination Library (PDF, 356KB) will be updated shortly.

28 September 2023

The Examining Authority has published a response (PDF, 110KB) to the Applicant's notification (PDF, 194KB) of its intention to submit a request for a change to the application.

A note of a site inspection (PDF, 107KB) carried out on 18 and 19 September has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 354 KB) has been updated.

Please register to take part in the Preliminary MeetingOpen Floor Hearing or Issue Specific Hearings by 23:59 on Tuesday 10 October 2023. The details of these events are described in the notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6) letter. (PDF, 372KB).

19 September 2023

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent.

The letter includes the draft Examination Timetable, initial assessment of principal issues and other related matters.

Register to take part in the Preliminary Meeting, Open Floor Hearing or Issue Specific Hearings by 23:59 on Tuesday 10 October 2023. The details of these events are described in the letter.

If you have any questions please contact

19 September 2023

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

10 August 2023

The Examining Authority has issued a Procedural Decision (PDF, 257KB) requesting information and updated documents from the Applicant.

The registration period has been extended for a small number of people, if you have received a notice from the Applicant and would like to comment on the proposed development. Please contact

1 August 2023

The registration period has been extended for a small number of people, if you have received a notice from the Applicant and would like to comment on the proposed development. Please contact

28 July 2023

Relevant representations published on the website

21 July 2023

On 21 July 2023 some registration comments were published on to our website. These were published in error and have been removed from the website.

Once we have completed our checks and received documentation from the Applicant all valid representations will be published within the next ten days.

If you wish to sign up to email updates you will receive a notification when these have been published.

19 July 2023

Registration of interested parties closes

14 June 2023

Registration of interested parties begins

24 May 2023

The application has been accepted for examination

2 May 2023

This application was received by the Planning Inspectorate on 28 April 2023.

The application documents will be made available on the project page of this website if the application is accepted for examination.

It is for the Applicant to decide whether or not application documents can be published upon submission (see government’s Planning Act 2008: guidance on the Pre-application process).

28 April 2023

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate

22 February 2023

The application has been withdrawn. Please see the Applicant’s letter (PDF, 124 KB).