Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Rachel King

Date submitted
14 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The relocation of the sewage works will be detrimental to my families health. The increase HGV in traffic will make it unsafe to commute by bike to school and work, as we currently do. The increase in noise, pollution and odour is also a concern. I moved to Horningsea to be in the country this development will mean it is no longer a rural village. I believe it is wrong to waste taxpayer money on relocating a sewage works purely for the benefit of developers. It is also wrong that the build stage won't be carbon neutral. I am disappointed that the standards for the new water treatment are barely better than current ones. We live in an arid area, if there are plans to build more developments, each development should be self sufficient in water. Recycling it's own grey water etc. I'm concerned about the effect the air and noise and light pollution of both the construction and operational phase of the sewage works will have on my health. I'm concerned the digging of the pipeline will prevent my children and I cycling to work and Bottisham Village College across the Fen. I'm also concerned that HGV traffic will make it unsafe for my children to cycle independently into town. As a keen naturalist I'm concerned about the impact of this on the flora and fauna in Horningsea.