Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Helen Seamarks

Date submitted
14 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object Anglian Water misled the community on need within the consultation. Greenbelt ; Cambridge one of a few Greenbelt areas still in place ; the Greenbelt is great for animals such as Roe Deer, Pets and Humans. Mental Health : Appendix 12.3: Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment (MWIA) - This highlights Anglian Water do not understand Mental Health. Mental Health is a major issue in The UK and at record levels. Anglian Water failed to consider Mental Health and it would seem treated it as a tick box exercise. Anglian Water should have considered the public perception of Anglian Water with relationship to the continuous fines and poor public relations with illegal discharges. Anglian Water as an entity is a Mental Health concern for members of the community. Anglian Water is not a trusted company when it comes to environmental factors. Anglian Water did not consider the use of Greenbelt land and the Mental Health impacts on people and pets that use HoneyHill . Anglian Water have done a poor job on considering Mental Health. Anglian Water have ignored the Mental Health of the Young and the cost of housing the new site will provide. Young people need £100k housing and the lack of true low cost housing is a major Mental Health issue. The destruction of the greenbelt and sustainability is another Mental Health issue example. Anglian Water have a profile issue; misled people at consultation, misled people on performance ( consider all the recent fines ) and have a poor sustainability record. The Mental Health has not been considered. Housing; North Cambridge and Cambridge City developers have had to resort in marketing new housing overseas. One Local councillor has even stated we need to be considering the housing needs of the world not just Cambridge. With the route of the Bedford to Cambridge railway just announced the demand for new housing will be South of the City. Cambridge North already has 10,000+ houses planned for Waterbeach and more at Longstowe. The Government should rethink where housing is needed. The South of the City and the Pharma community need housing along the new proposed rail route.The planned housing that goes with this project could impact Waterbeach Sales and reduce S106 monies for infrastructure such as the swimming pool. The current site; much of the “Victorian” infrastructure at the site is not being used. Anglian Water could release some of the current site as a buffer zone. The council could still build low cost housing on the remaining potential growth area. Cambridge needs to fund low cost housing. Young people are ignored within this plan. The National Infrastructure need is debatable the land at the current site could deliver housing and a waste plant without impacting the Greenbelt. Let local councillors decide on the development after fair consultation with the public. Please reject L Technology Cambridge does not need to develop and ruin the protected Greenbelt. Think about Mental Health both construction and running. If you are minded to approve please consider the Young People and put restrictions on the current Anglian Water land eg 40% £100k housing . This is an opportunity to think about Teachers, Nurses, Police, graduates , apprentices and their housing needs.