Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Barbara Sansom

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There is no operational need to move the sewage works. This is only being considered to allow housing to be built and money to be made by construction companies. Local hard working Cambridge residents will not be able to afford these homes and will not benefit. We use the area of Honey Hill regularly to walk our dog and have long admired the wildlife that lives here. Their habitat will be destroyed and an area of protected green belt will be lost forever ruining the landscape for generations to come. I have concerns over the impact the extra traffic needed to build this works and delivering waste to it will have on the families travelling to the local school that my daughter attends. I also question why so much money from tax payers would be used to fund a project that ultimately will make millions for developers. This site is also not suitable due to the proximity to two small, quiet villages that benefit from their rural location. Why move a works from a brownfield site to this green belt when the current site has the capacity needed for many years to come ?