Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Karin Abram

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned about this proposed plant for the following reasons: It seems to be a threat to a Principle Chalk Aquifer which according to DEFRA is at high risk of groundwater contamination. A Principal Chalk Aquifer makes it unsuitable for sinking the structures necessary for this plant. I find this deeply worrying for all of our well-being and don’t understand why this site has been proposed. It seems to have not been fully considered. I am also deeply concerned about the impact on public rights of way and permissive ways as well as the impact Quy Fen, Wicken Fen and the Cambridgeshire Dykes. These are such precious environments for wildlife and for ourselves. We cannot afford to continue to undermine and negatively impact these and Anglian Water has a lot of work to do to prove that it is taking responsibility environmentally, as I am sure it is aware that people are becoming deeply unhappy about that way that it conducts its business. There appears to have been a lack of consideration given to keeping the plant where it is and upgrading it as necessary. Using this site will undermine our precious, protected green belt. Please listen to us. We need to take full responsibility in protecting our environment and the natural world. Without it, we are gone.