Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Pamela McLeman

Date submitted
29 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this infrastructure project. Anglian water admits there is no operational need to move. It's a waste of taxpayer money, (£227 million), a scandal, in the light of Thames Water + the debt of privatised English water companies already around £60 billion. The move will pollute our water, sewage works should never be built on a major chalk aquifer - it is like defecating in our local well. The carbon footprint of the move and build is not needed, and quite frankly is a scandal. The existing plant is fine, and already been future proofed. The UK is not food secure, this farmland and greenbelt should not be given-up for an unnecessary, expensive project, which seems entirely to the benefit of Anglian shareholders and financial investors based in Canada, Australia and Abu Dhabi. The sewage works is fine where it is, it is serviceable, future proofed, so keep it where it is!