Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Christine Shaw

Date submitted
30 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposal for Honey Hill is very much against Green policies and talk from Government agencies. In these times of global warming I fail to see how it helps the planet or local area to uproot a perfectly good sewage farm at Milton, and place it in an area of peace and good farming land. It feels as though those involved are only thinking about financial gain, which would happen if the move occurred, with all the homes that would be built on the present site at Milton. Traffic congestion is another big point as there will be many homes built close by with no infrastructure as usual. Mental health and well-being of local residents in Honey Hill area along with walkers and local residents should be considered. Once built it will cause further congestion in an area where many homes etc are to be built