Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Howard Aston

Date submitted
6 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The proposed relocation site for the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant (the "Sewage Works") is named Honey Hill and is Green Belt land. Building on Green Belt land is contrary to national and local planning policy. 2. There is no operational or capacity need for the Sewage Works to relocate from their present site. 3. Honey Hill is a Principle Chalk Aquifer which would if developed for sewage works be at high risk of groundwater contamination. 4. Honey Hill is presently a large site of high quality arable farmland which the increasing population of our country cannot afford to lose. 5. If relocated on Honey Hill the Sewage Works - necessarily above ground - would be visible from the northern area of Cambridge city and the surrounding flat fenland for a very considerable distance, and in particular would have an adverse effect on Quy Fen (a SSSI) which is very close to the site. 6. The carbon cost of the unnecessary relocation would be enormous and unacceptable in the light of Government climate change policy.