Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Alan Hugh Muhr

Date submitted
9 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the relocation of Cambridge Waste Water Works from Milton to Honey Hill for the following reasons: - the Green Belt status of Honey Hill should be respected. I am very familiar with the environment (I lived there for my first 21 years, and still have a share in a house on High Ditch Road), and the concept that it should be a continuous green corridor connecting Wicken Fen to Cambridge. Indeed, this proximity of green belt to the present Milton site for the plant was indicated as a positive aspect with regard to the development of the Milton site for housing! - I understand there will be little enhancement in environmental aspects of the treatment process, since the plant at Milton was upgraded quite recently. So it should remain where it is. - The work of relocation would be a major expense with a big carbon footprint, not offset by significant future reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, I understand. The money would be far better spent on upgrading the insulation of existing housing, expanding renewable energy installations, and upgrading the input side to the Works, eg reducing the amount of rainwater and supply water that feeds into the sewers. - I would be interested to learn about the sewage treatment process and associated technical challenges, and to consider any proposed upgrades that could be made. I think that is the only basis on which relocation or refurbishment could be legitimately justified.