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Representation by Friends of Horningsea Church (Friends of Horningsea Church)

Date submitted
10 July 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

I am writing as Chairman of the Friends of Horningsea Church, a body concerned with the upkeep of the fabric of the church, accessibility to the church and management of the churchyard 1. There has been a church on the current site in Horningsea since Saxon times and the present church is Grade 1 listed. The church is a peaceful oasis that is used not only for worship but also for village events and in particular by amateur and professional musicians for rehearsals, concerts and recordings. The disruption resulting from the construction and maintenance of the Waterbeach pipeline will seriously compromise this peaceful atmosphere. It is inconceivable that the heavy plant required for both construction and maintenance will be able to access the pipeline through the narrow roads in Waterbeach leaving Horningsea village the only route possible for this traffic. Thus the peaceful atmosphere currently enjoyed in the church and its churchyard will be destroyed. 2. The Friends of Horningsea have been deeply involved in the national scheme for re-wilding of churchyards and have made significant progress. Records of wildlife and native plants are made regularly. We are particularly concerned to foster the colonies of 2 types of bat, many bird species including owls and other wildlife. In recent months 2 species of deer, hedgehogs, stoats and weasels have been recorded in the churchyard. This tranquil space is a significant resource for families in the village. The excavation and maintenance work for the Waterbeach pipeline will be a serious and continuing disruption. 3. People come to church services and other events from all over the village on foot, by bike and, for a few, by car. The increase in density of traffic resulting from the construction and the pipeline as well the sewage work itself will significantly increase the flow of large vehicles through the village making access to the church much less safe. 4. The income source for the Friends to provide funds for the repairs to the church fabric derive from donations. While a percentage comes from villagers, a significant proportion derives from donations made by visitors to the historic church, particularly from those staying in the village, either in the village pub or air B and B accommodation or on the village campsite. Numbers of visitors are bound to drop off during the noisy construction work. Thus our income stream will be much reduced and there appears to be no scheme for compensation for this loss. 5. In summary our main concern for the fabric of the church and its wildlife, the quality of its atmosphere and for the safety of visitors to the church is the construction and maintenance of the Waterbeach pipeline. Study of the plans is not reassuring; we can find no evidence of mitigation of the disruption that will inevitably be caused to the Village.