Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Nasar Aboukhshem

Date submitted
10 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are very concerned about the impact of the development on but not limited to the following: Increased traffic: Our house is the first house in the village. There is already considerable traffic (and speeding as people leave the village) and during rush hour in the mornings. The development will result in an increase in traffic in the form of both construction vehicles accessing the site as well as any backlog of traffic caused by construction vehicles in the area. There are houses in the village quite close to the road in Horningsea due to their historical construction. There is already a detrimental impact on the foundational soundness of the buildings when farming vehicles (especially lorries) come thundering through the village in the spring/summer. The additional traffic and any additional lorries passing through the village will have a further impact on both our roads and buildings. Environment: The existing sewage works on Cowley road are fully functioning. The only benefit of moving them is the profits generated from constructing additional housing close to central Cambridge at the expense of Greenbelt land, destroying biodiversity in the area. There will no doubt be pollution caused by construction both directly and indirectly – i.e. fumes from construction as well as the carbon cost of the construction of the new site. There is also a high risk of groundwater contamination which will impact residents of the village who rely on groundwater. There will also be a hugely detrimental impact on Quy & Wicken Fen. There was no consideration given to upgrading the existing plant and improving its facilities and technology. Instead, Greenbelt is being sacrificed to make space for a new mini-city. Is this what residents in Milton, Chesterton, Horningsea, Fen Ditton really want? Have the wants of local residents in Cambridgeshire been considered or is this purely being pursued for profit? Other impacts: The new site will destroy an iconic area in Cambridge which is used by many for recreational purposes (due to biodiversity and greenery), leaving limited areas in close proximity of Cambridge free from industrialisation, vital for health and wellbeing (importance became clear during the pandemic when such areas played a key role for many). The construction will also lead to loss to agricultural farmland which currently contributes to the UK’s self-sustainability and promotes food security. The construction will undoubtedly have a detrimental effect on the air quality and odour which will in turn impact residents as well as wildlife in the area. We are against the development of the sewage plant in Horningsea and would like the above to be seriously considered.