Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Caroline Benstead

Date submitted
13 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live within a mile of this site but within the city boundary, I am disturbed to see this proposal as it will create much destruction of my local green area. Currently I can walk out of my home and be within the Fen Ditton parish surrounded by greenery, fields and areas for many diverse wildlife and birds. I believed the green belt was created to protect an area, stopping developments and over developing an area. Quote “it is to control urban growth and to keep land open’. I seriously think this works being moved here isn’t adhering to this policy. Considering AW has said there’s no operational need to move its works surely the carbon footprint of tonnes of concrete, many lorry journeys and the ongoing lorry journeys post construction is against both the local, county and central governments current advice? Is it truly necessary? I have also noted in the news that water supplies are under great strain and it is dubious whether even all the locally planned homes will go ahead, is this not another reason to not move? As if this is the case demand may not spiral out of control. Visually this will affect the area, and physically it will change it too. Walks and access around the current green space will be adversely affected including public rights of way, it could quite possibly deter public from enjoying being active in the area. There is also the concern that unpleasant smells will linger in the area. In all honesty it seems like an own goal if this were to proceed as it creates so much negativity including mistrust, including green washing as well as ignoring a biodiverse area.