Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Evelyn Edith Daniel

Date submitted
16 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object most strongly to the proposal to move the Waste Water Treatment Plant from its present site to Honey Hill, Fen Ditton. I believe this to be totally unnecessary and a complete waste of money. Anglian Water has agreed there is no operational need to move the Plant and the current site has room for expansion. It is able to serve the needs of the area for the foreseeable future The proposal to relocate the plant to Honey Hill, Fen Ditton and to build it on Green Belt land is outrageous and contrary to national and local planning policies. The loss of productive, arable farmland should not be considered in these days of food insecurity. The necessary bund and digesters would be obtrusive and would change the flat fenland landscape as well as having a negative impact on Quy Fen which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and would also impact the Wicken Fen Vision. This site is essentially valuable countryside and the building of industrial buildings north of the A14 may well set a dangerous precedent that would further endanger the integrity of the nearby villages. Additionally experts have warned that this proposal could have an impact on the Principal Chalk Aquafer and this must be a further concern. Other important considerations of mine are the effect this will have on wildlife in the area and biodiversity. Replacing the current working sewage works could only be achieved at a heavy carbon cost and the effect of construction traffic on affected villages, Fen Ditton and Horningsea, would be totally unacceptable. Fen Ditton Primary School would be adversely affected by this traffic and in the long term, the effect of odour on the school, residences and businesses must be considered.