Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Margaret Wilson

Date submitted
16 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In a time of economic depression why are we moving a perfectly functional sewage works less than two miles into green belt land along with inferstructure covering many miles of green belt including a river crossing with all the inherent dangers of polution. If a problem in spillage can happen it will The land released by the move will be heavily contaminated with over a 100 years as a sewage treatment site and all this soil I'll have to be de contaminated The capacity for expansion at the current site is well in the limits for over a 100. Years by Anglia Waters own admission ,they also say they do not operationally need to move. This is a land grab sponsored by Cambridge council knowing that it will be supported by government money that in this time and for many years hence the country cannot afford