Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Mary Kay Muhr

Date submitted
17 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I grew up on High Ditch Road, Fen Ditton, [Redacted], and am still part-owner of a house there. We were proud to live on, and be able to walk along, the course of a Dyke, with open Green Belt land to the north. During the time since then, traffic has increased, farming changed and diversity of wildlife - birds, insects and plants- all declined. However much remains and is worthy of preservation, both for ecology and for people. Despite the boasts of increasing amenity across the Cam, I cannot see the point of the expense of moving a fully functioning sewage works to blight village and green belt landscape in Fen Ditton and Horningsea. I am familiar with the circular walk along High Ditch Road to Honey Hill and Snout's Corner - then back along the roads or further down Filly Lane to Campo and Green End and back by Fen Ditton High Street. I dread the loss of these walks or cycle rides, and the increase of traffic for works construction and maintenance on what are already overloaded country roads (High Ditch Road much without a footpath). I understand there is an unresolved problem of possible damage to aquifers. Ecological damage, amenity damage, huge expense - I believe there is a strong case for leaving the sewage works where it is.