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Representation by Conservators of the River Cam (Conservators of the River Cam)

Date submitted
17 July 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

CONSERVATORS OF THE RIVER CAM STATEMENT OF INTEREST The Conservators of the River Cam are the statutory navigation authority with responsibility for the River Cam. The main jurisdiction of the Conservancy is “the Cam Conservancy Area”, which is the River Cam between the Mill Pond in Cambridge and Bottisham Lock near Waterbeach, a distance of approximately seven and a half miles. The Conservancy also has some limited jurisdiction upstream to Byron’s Pool. It is also the landowner of the adjacent towpath otherwise known as the Halingway. The statutes which govern the Conservancy’s activities are the Acts of 1851 and 1922. The navigational activity on the River Cam is mainly recreational. It involves punting on the Middle River from the Mill Pond to Jesus Lock, rowing on the Lower River, sailing, canoeing and paddle-boarding. There is also a substantial number and variety of powered craft registered on the river, some used for pleasure, while a large number are moored “live-aboard” craft. The river, for which the Conservancy is responsible, probably has the greatest density and diversity of craft per mile of any inland waterway in the UK. The Conservancy also work to their 1996 Byelaws and exercise their remit for enforcement in relation to these byelaws. Under these current plans, Anglian Water propose to create an outfall into the river as well as creating two transfer tunnels beneath the river Cam. The Conservators are concerned that this project will affect the ability of the Conservancy to adequately fulfil its statutory responsibilities of navigation for this stretch of water during the construction process and that both the short and long term consequence of the project may negatively impact the river, its banks, its ecology and the navigation of its users. It is also proposed that a small area of Conservancy land is also being considered for compulsory purchase or lease. Anglian Water have engaged with the Conservators of the River Cam, both have appointed solicitors to ensure the Statement of Common Ground is agreed by both parties, though this is still very much in the draft stage. The Conservators would therefore like to register as an Interested Party in the project and planning process and would appreciate being consulted in any aspect of the project which may impact the river Cam or Conservancy Land.