Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Rebecca Foreman

Date submitted
17 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the relocation of the sewage works on a number of points: primarily there is no real need to move the plant, the current site has been upgraded recently to ensure that it is ‘future proof’ for another 20 years or more. The calculation for the carbon cost does not take into account the construction of the NE Cambridge site, which is tantamount to lying to the public. There is a large and totally avoidable carbon cost associated with building the new plant and also then decommissioning the old one. Linked to this I am strongly opposed to the development in NE Cambridge – there is too much focus on unrestrictive unsustainable growth in the city. Cambridge is already highly unequal city and the development does not address the real need for affordable housing in the city. It is also taking place in the same NE triangle of development that contains the Waterbeach development and the Marshalls site. All putting pressure on the A10, A14 triangle, leading to more cars, and more pollution. The development of Honey Hill will be hugely disruptive to the village, and the presence of large trucks initially for construction and then for operational transport, will be a risk for the young children in the village that travel to Fen Ditton Primary school. Also, as the lead in the village for the local adults and toddlers drop in, this is likely to impact on local families who travel to the village for the group from Fen Ditton. Finally I have huge concern about the Chalk Aquifer, which is at huge risk of groundwater contamination but not only that I understand that that it is unsuitable ground for building the works.