Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Sarah Farrell

Date submitted
17 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Moving the sewage works will generate lots of traffic both during construction and on an ongoing basis. This is already a busy road not fit to accept heavier traffic, which is unsafe to residents, school kids and will create more pollution. The plant will create a smell no matter what mitigations the new build proposes - it is utterly disgusting that the project is attempting to inflict this onto local residents. This will curtail their pleasure of their home living space for the rest of their lives. Would you like to smell sweage whilst sitting in your garden on a warm summers day? The plant is functional where it is and does not need to be moved. This project has a carbon cost which is totally unnecessary and not conducive to our supposed dedication to reducing climate change. The option to upgrade the current facility has not been properly or genuinely considered. Honey Hill is an area of natural beauty enjoyed by many, home to wildlife that will be disrupted and destroyed with this plan. Green belt should be protected. Stop this terrible plan.