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Representation by The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

Date submitted
18 July 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Thank you for the opportunity to register as an interested party on the following project. We hold concerns regarding two veteran trees which are likely to be affected by the proposed Waterbeach Pipeline element of this proposal. Figure 8.3 (APP-057) denotes the presence of two veteran oak trees, however the accompanying Arboricultural Impact Assessment (APP-104) does not outline any proposed protection measures to address the impacts to the trees. Therefore, we ask that the applicants provide a Tree Constraints/Protection Plan to accompany this proposal, and demonstrate that the two veteran specimens will be afforded appropriate protection in line with Natural England and the Forestry Commission’s standing advice which states: “For ancient or veteran trees (including those on the woodland boundary), the buffer zone should be at least 15 times larger than the diameter of the tree. The buffer zone should be 5 metres from the edge of the tree’s canopy if that area is larger than 15 times the tree’s diameter. This will create a minimum root protection area. Where assessment shows other impacts are likely to extend beyond this distance, the proposal is likely to need a larger buffer zone.” We hope our comments are of use to you.