Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Waterbeach Development Company LLP (Waterbeach Development Company LLP)

Date submitted
19 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Cambridge waste water treatment plant relocation DCO (ref: WW010003): Initial outline representations on behalf of: Waterbeach Development Company (WDC) as promoter and Joseph Martin, Kier Petherick and Jonathan Sanders as Trustees of the Landowners - The Waterbeach Trust Background WDC is promoting strategic scale development at Waterbeach new town East. An outline planning application for up to 4,500 new homes alongside a range of other commercial, community, recreational and other open space uses achieved a resolution to grant permission at South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Planning Committee on 29 January 2021, pending completion of a section 106 agreement (ref: S/2075/18/OL). WDC has also gained full planning permission for a relocated railway station to serve the new town and existing residents on 9 January 2020 (ref: S/0791/18/FL), which remains extant following lawful commencement, as confirmed by LDC application ref: 23/00541/CL2PD, issued by SCDC on 4 May 2023. Work is underway in relation to a further intended full planning application for a new waste water pumping station within the south-western corner of the Waterbeach new town East site. This falls outside the scope of the DCO application and will be submitted by WDC. Given these interests, WDC therefore intends to participate in the forthcoming DCO examination as confirmed by the submission of these representations, in order to ensure that its views are taken fully into account. The Landowners have confirmed that WDC should be making these representations on their behalf. Broad submissions WDC's broad submissions at this stage are as follows: • We support the DCO's objectives for the development of a new waste water treatment plant, and in turn the proposed new pipeline connecting this to Waterbeach in order to provide additional waste water treatment capacity; • It is noted that the proposed DCO boundary overlaps with those for WDC's outline planning application site for Waterbeach New Town East and full planning permission site for the relocated railway station, as referred to above • Given the potential for the station and DCO developments to proceed at the same time, there will be a need to carefully co-ordinate their delivery; • In this regard it is considered that the DCO boundary at Waterbeach, incorporating space for a development compound, has been excessively drawn and that tighter definition would assist in limiting physical and logistical conflicts between these schemes; • In view of the close geographical and practical relationship between these developments, a number of discussions have been held between AWSL and WDC; • We have engaged with the AWSL team about the potential areas of conflict; and • It is intended that the nature of this dialogue and levels of agreement between the parties will be presented through a Statement of Common Ground in readiness for the relevant hearings.
