Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Miss Heather Peck

Date submitted
19 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The national plan is to not build houses on greenbelt but to redevelop brown field sites instead. It is incongruous to move a massive wastewater works to a greenbelt site in order to free up a brownfield site so that it can be redeveloped. The current site is well suited to have the wastewater works because it has a medium to low level of groundwater vulnerability, where as the suggested site of relocation is on a principle chalk aquifer and has a high level of groundwater vulnerability. The current site has geology suitable for sinking the digester towers and trees have successfully screened the site from view. The new site has geology that does not allow for the sinking of digesters meaning the new building will not be able to successfully be screened by trees. It is also in open fen land so will be an eye sore for those walking nearby or driving past. In an earlier round of consultation, when the public had to comment on which of three sites were preferable for the relocation, the majority of the public voted that they did not want it to be moved as none of the three sites were as suitable as the current site. In this earlier round of consultation Anglian Water identified that building on this proposed site would be the most impactful on damaging the greenbelt. At the moment it marks the edge of the city and the start of the countryside. If built on, due to the raised elevation of the road over the A14, and due to the slight hummock of the new site, there will be no successful way of screening the new build and thereby helping to minimise the detrimental effect on the greenbelt. The current waste water works have already had millions of pounds of investment to future proof it for decades to come. Now they want to use government money (£227 million) to build a brand new site less than 1 mile away. This is a waste of funds when we are in the middle of a cost of living crisis. Anglian Water are stating sustainability and environmental factors as the reason to move. The build itself will produce a massive carbon footprint. THE CLIMATE CRISIS IS NOW. THIS DECADE IS PIVOTAL. I believe they have modelled that in 60 years time it will be carbon zero? Or something to that effect. By 60 years time it will be too late. We have to consider the effect on the planet NOW. This is a build with a massive carbon footprint that is not needed. Cambridge is already one of the fastest growing economies in the country and I believe it is already due to meet its quota of new housing without the redevelopment of the north east of Cambridge. Anglian Water are claiming the new build will increase accessibility to the countryside. The current area of land already has footpaths across it and is a popular walking route. Do they really think that building a wastewater works is going to make more people want to walk there?! The proposed new location is at the foot of a swath of land that has been ear marked by the wicken fen trust for their 100 year vision. They want to focus on this area of land to redevelop the fens in line with wicken fen and allow the restoration of the environment in this region. Having a massive waste water works at the south west corner of this project goes against this commendable vision.