Back to list Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation

Representation by Catherine Kassam

Date submitted
19 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the proposed relocation of Cambridge Waste Water Treatment , 1.5 km east of current Cowley/Milton Road location, to Honey Hill, with a tunnel under the Cam, for £227 million of future tax-payers' money when the current plant will last till 2050, as it was refurbished in 2015 costing the public purse £25million. The pipeline at Waterbeach will cut across arable land. This land should be kept for food production. For Fenland Villages, especially Quy and Wicken Fen, there is a high risk of groundwater contamination Honey Hill is in a green belt area, which should remain untouched. There is a threat to the Principle Chalk Aquifer There will be a totally unnecessary carbon cost in replacing a fully functioning plant As a country, we have already lost much of our natural biodiversity. This proposal will further damage our natural environment.