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Representation by Fen Ditton Parish Council (Fen Ditton Parish Council)

Date submitted
19 July 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Fen Ditton Parish Council ('FDPC') wish to register with the Planning Inspectorate in relation to Anglian Water’s CWWTPR proposals. We oppose the selection of Site 3 at Honey Hill for a new AWS wastewater treatment works. FDPC object to developments in the Green Belt since it preserves the character of Fen Ditton as a historic community surrounded by open, green space separating us from the city. FDPC have consistently promoted the concept of the land south, east and north east of the built-up village and conservation areas both remaining undeveloped and providing an additional Green Lung leading off the Cambridge Green Lung extending along the River Cam and linking Ditton Meadows/Stourbridge Common with the area of open farmland to the north east. The Honey Hill proposal negates this. We suggest Anglian Water has failed to provide sufficient grounds to justify such a move especially given the high levels of opposition in the community to it. FDPC has responded to all the consultations relating to the proposed CWWTPR including its earlier manifestation in 2006/08. We note Anglian Water’s most recent response to us of 16 March 2023 and the discussion of many of our points in the current document suite. However we consider that although a few points have been resolved, the ensuing proposals are not satisfactory and that Anglian Water could and should do more to mitigate the impacts of the proposed project in the event that the move is approved in principle. We support the Save Honey Hill community action group and will continue to liaise with the group when preparing our written submission in order to avoid duplication of material submitted to the Inspectorate.