Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

Project specific advice can be viewed on the relevant project page.

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Showing 301 to 325 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View meeting with Meeting with Tansport for London (TfL)

    Initial Meeting to introduce a potential new scheme - Silvertown Tunnel which is subject to the approval of the Mayor and the TfL Board. If given, an application for development consent will be... Read more

  • View meeting with Network Rail

    See attached meeting note

  • View advice to SLR Consulting Ltd

    I write to you to seek clarification in respect of s.53 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) (PA2008) and The Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 5 (April 2012), specifically the test under... Read more

  • View advice to Various developers

    Information on the changes to Special Parliamentary Procedure (SPP) through the Growth and Infrastructure Bill

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Query relates to whether the Planning Portal Navitus Website can publish the minutes of a Hengistbury Residents' Association meeting of 21st September 2012.

  • View advice to Stephan Calloway

    The Planning Inspectorate received a telephone enquiry in regard to the submission of application documents as required by the Planning Act 2008 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) and secondary... Read more

  • View advice to MGT Power Limited

    On behalf of MGT Power Limited, and MGT Projects Limited (formerly MGT Tyne Limited), and as a company director of both, I am writing to withdraw the Tyne Biomass Plant from the planning system, as... Read more

  • View advice to Savills

    Is there a cut-off point when a developer’s section 42 and 47 consultation becomes out of date?

  • View advice to Hampton Brook Estates Ltd

    To clarify the position in respect of the permission S08/0448/MJNF granted by South Kesteven District Council as to if there is a need to gain a Development Consent Order for a Nationally Significant... Read more

  • View meeting with E.ON and Bond Pearce

    General meeting to discuss the planning regime, parameters and potential future development. Not specific to a particular project.

  • View advice to Anonymous

    Mr Morgan called to ask about the function of Local Authorities in Wales and the Welsh Government in the 2008 Act process for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and about the regard that... Read more

  • View advice to Leha Kenny

    Query relating to the IPC's powers to consent associated development in Wales.

  • View advice to Roger Wood

    Who can decide if a new planning application is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project?

  • View meeting with National Grid Meeting Note

    Meeting with National Grid (13 December 2012)

  • View meeting with Environment Agency

    Regular liaison meeting with the Environment Agency (via teleconference). Please see attached meeting note.

  • View meeting with Welsh Government

    Please see attachment

  • View advice to Ian Salisbury

    Please see email correspondence regarding a possible nationally significant infrastructure project.

  • View advice to Matt Jahromi

    The caller enquired as to what legislation defines generating stations for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects.

  • View advice to Richard Walker

    Richard Walker called the Planning Inspectorate and requested information on the process in applying for a development consent order.

  • View advice to Arup

    Query requesting confirmation of the determining authority for a new reservoir application.

  • View meeting with Renewable UK

    A meeting to discuss future planning regimes for Wales.

  • View advice to A J Thompson

    Information requested regarding Local Impact Reports

  • View advice to Andrew Griffiths

    Screening Request for DCO

  • View advice to Laviniere Enfield Council

    General query regarding how and when to comment on the content of draft development consent orders and if changes can be made to an order following decision.

  • View advice to Environment Agency Wales

    In regards to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects under the Planning Act 2008 regime, who is the competent authority in regards to Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and the granting of... Read more